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Up Topic Cannon - Gunpowder Requirement

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In Response to Ringwaul
The ammunition for the musket already is stackable, and it's max stack count is 8. If we are to have 5 stacks of an 8 stack, then this would allow the clonk to carry 40 shots.

I think the best solution would be to simply have the workshop which creates lead-shots search the powder keg for ingredients. We don't actually need the player to be able to grab/put gunpowder from/into the keg.

Also, I don't see much of a benefit gameplay-wise from creating as much lead-shot as possible from a keg. This removes control from the player; if the player wants to create some lead shot and then fire a cannon with the same keg, why would he have to make certain to use the cannon first, for fear of using up all his black-powder? Of course we can say the player can simply make more, but isn't this just adding more and more complication?

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