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Up Topic Cannon - Gunpowder Requirement

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In Response to AlteredARMOR
I agree with Zapper about NOT making the keg a stackable object.
As for "gunpowder": you need some container to store it anyway (IIRC, currently small ammount of powder simply lies as a heap on a piece of paper). So why not making keg such a container?
Yes, it would be nice to require keg for ammo production and prohibit player from putting/withdrawing powder into/from the keg.

How I imaging this myself:
1) You need (say) 1 x sulphur and 1 x coal as well as 1 x (wooden) barrel to produce a powder keg in the respective workshop.
2) You can load a keg into the cannon to provide it with (again, say) 12 shots. The keg VANISHES when it is loaded into the cannon increasing some internal counter of the available shots.
3) Alternatively, you can store 1 x keg into an "ammo-production workshop" to receive (maybe with the need for some other ingredients) N x musket-shots. The barrel itself either vanishes or (more likely) remains empty.
4) Making the keg some kind of a "production resource" (the way it was described above) may allow us to imagine some other interesting ways of using it (for instance, it can be used for some super-explosives production).
5) And yeah, it would be nice if the keg left on the ground and shot by a musket provided a fancy explosion...

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