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Up Topic Cannon - Gunpowder Requirement

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In Response to Travis
Take a scenario like "Clifffight", where the players start with a huge gap between them. You can choose to attack directly or just focus on the artillery. In this situation the catapult is not an option and you can only use the cannon to attack.
So with your cannon the players would start almost immediately to shoot stuff at each other, to randomly hit some poor Clonks walking around the base, because they don't even need something to load the cannon (producing or buying gunpowder). This leads to a totally super-deadly-imbalanced weapon for everyone who has a stone in his hand. With a weapon like that I would just randomly shoot stones or eartchunks into the direction of the enemy machine-gun-style, in any scenario. Also the cannon is ultra fast and a Clonk can hardly dodge it.
So my point is, a weapon like that needs some more effort than the catapult or is just plain imbalanced.

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