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In Response to Newton
Whats required to finish before the release is indeed not much. Here is a summary, I'll post concrete tasks in the bugtracker and assign them. In this list, there are only things that are necessary for the release.

  • Render the Tutorial guide which will be displayed at the upper border of the screen in 128x128 size and gives helpful hints during the tutorial. It can either be a static render or an animated realtime model, depending on how much work you want to invest in it. Imaginable is this guide also f.e. in front of a blackboard...
    Assigned to Randrian.

  • The tutorial goal needs some graphic instead of the placeholder graphic of the clonk baby. Probably a drawn book or a custom one for each scenario depending of the goal of the scenario (e.g. reach the flag, shoot all balloons...)

  • We still need GUI graphics for the frontend - buttons, (icons,) background screens, gui element graphics etc.

  • A logo and icon need to be completed and implemented in the game and on the website

Engine implementation
  • The support for reference parameters in C4Script shall be removed before the release.
    Assigned to PeterW

C4Script Implementation
  • The tutorial guide shall be at the top of the screen in 128x128 size. Whenever he got anything new to say, it should be visible (f.e. a speech bubble pops up). He only gives the most current hint. The hint message-box is closed if the player clicks on the guide another time.
    Assigned to Maikel

  • Right-click on an item in the HUD shall show the description of the object.
    Assigned to Newton

  • Melee weapons and the shield will be made more playable and balanced. Animations will also be updated.
    Assigned to Zapper

Level design
  • Tutorial 1 must be finished and should use the useful features of the tutorial guide, the respawn rainbow etc. Sven has not time to work on it anymore.
    It will be finished by Maikel

  • Tutorial 2 needs to be adjusted to make better use of the tutorial guide and the context-sensitive help via the description of objects in the HUD
    Assigned to Maikel

  • Tutorial 3 will be completely reworked, also to use the tutorial guide and respawn-rainbow. The rework shall be less linear.
    Assigned to Ringwaul

  • In some melees, the player is ought to pick starting weapons on respawn. The earlier implementation was quite hacky so either this feature can be reimplemented or the player just fetches his weapons from the chests that are standing around.
    Assigned to Maikel

  • Evaluate whats left to do for the races and melees.

Tasks for Releasing
  • compile and release the installation files for the supported operating systems (win,linux,mac?).

  • Show on blogs, clonk forum, developer platforms/official reposes etc.

  • website redesign to accomodate download, more player-friendly layout etc.
    Assigned to Newton

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