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Up Topic Idea: Accessible Buildings

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In Response to pluto
No not more fun, but a better gameplay. In other words: I think it's nessecary.

Problem in CR is, Clonks can enter and leave buildings fast. So they can flee, or hide. Is an enemy clonk (e.g. with your flag) in a building, it is hard to fight against him, because he's (it?) is leaves the Building, if you are entering it, and he enters a house and waits in there, until you stands in front of the door with bow/flint. Such fights are not really fun-faktor-pushing, they often boost the frustration level of both player. That's not our goal, is it?

But I also think there is a need for some accesible Buildings if you have more than one Clonk. You will need a place where clonks are a save. (not a godmode, but little saver than standing somewhere on the map) or a place where it is possible to buy things without getting disturbed by enemys.

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