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In Response to dylanstrategie
- The very know wallhack that is used whit towers would be extended. Using a little hole in the tower (that can be filled whit a bow, a crossbow, or even any weapon that can pass trough. A cannon won't work, a laser beam would). To use it go in the tower (like you want to climb) whit the weapon/ammo you need, if the weapon is ok the hole will be filled whit it, you can aim and fire at a set angle.

- For the flag idea ! First you need to craft it, for this you need... (just for the example : a flag, 3 metal, 1 rope, a workshop), then you will have a flagpole kit in your inventory, imagine you discover a neutral setlemment whit anyone in it (owned by the world for gameplay issues), find a good place, and use your flagpole kit on it, first you will build a flagpole (neutral when fully erected). Then you need to raise a flag (just grab the flagpole and use the Own the flag command), then you need to wait 15 seconds, then you will own all the buldings in the zone !

To build a flagpole, he need to be out of any flagpole/flag area of effect, on a valid land, and any ennemy clonk in the area will deny the building processus

Then you need to erect it, if nobody grabs it or if a ennemy Clonk enter in the area of conflict (really tiny, 5-10 clonks by the two sides), the flag will totally stop erecting, and will come back to the state he was before (slower, and neutral in this case)

When fully erected, the flag will own any buildings in is area of effect, if he enter in conflict whit a other flagpole, it's the oldest who own the bulding

The team who owns a flag is able to turn it into a kit, if the flag take too much damage, the pole will break, a breaked flagpole is pretty useless, to repair it you will need 2 metal

To invade a flag, you must eleminate any Clonk in the conflict area, then grab it, it's need 10 seconds to turn the flag to neutral state, and 15 to own it

- We need these buldings to make a castle :

- Decorations
- Walls, towers
- Usable rooms (Storage, alchimical room, kitchen...)
- Usable props (Anvil, oven)
- Misc.

It's all :)

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