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Up Topic Idea: Accessible Buildings

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In Response to Clonkonaut

> What's not to understand? It's pretty common to have the "tower" castle parts inside

Yes, I've mentioned that:

> Second line of defense - towers inside the castle
> It is possible to transform a wall into a tower to have a second defense in the case your enemy storms the castle.

> Maybe you want to have a work area where the door doesn't open every five seconds, subjecting you to arrow fire from outside?

Assuming your automatic door concept is accepted. And even if it is, there definitely should be an option to permamently lock the door.

> So how is this helping? Restricting this kind of improvement to melees would feel arbitrary.

Well, it is possible to construct a castle in a settlement scenario.

> And why not just boost all production in melees directly?

Okay, yeah. Was just a sidekick idea ;)

>> Well, it's a tactical issue which totally destroyed the setting that you build your castle while fighting the enemy.
> Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying.

I refer to the "construction melee" scenario. First you construct your very own base and then go fight the enemy. With old knights this kind of scenario is more or less useless because unless you built your castle very quick, your enemy can just walk in.

> I know. And I'm saying that I don't want it to become easier :)

I don't think that's a valid argument. :>

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