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Up Topic Idea: Accessible Buildings

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In Response to Anonymous
(PeterW, really got to

> Uhm no. I just wanted a method to lock the door, disabling the automatic movement

You have that option: Build a drawbridge! :P

Might be a matter of taste, but I like having clear functionality: drawbridge - manual, door - automatic. Not some kind of semi-inbetween stuff. That way doors stand for a *concept*.

> Otherwise expanding your castles means leaving your castle open ended and defenseless against storming and - again - destroys the possibility of expanding while under the possible danger of storming.

But you must stand outside the castle to do this, don't you? I would find it strange if the enemy was right in front of your castle and couldn't do anything about the castle expanding into his direction.

But going into more detail on the expansion from outside: As long as you're still building the castle part, the defensive features obviously can't move. And afterwards, I would find it pretty strange if they just "beamed" to their new location. How about making it two-step:
1. Construct the wall
2. Move the door/drawbridge/wall/whatever

The second step should be pretty cheap (free?) and also pretty quick - just slow enough so we can show a reasonable deconstruct/reconstruct animation but fast enough so you don't have to leave your castle defenseless for a significant amount of time.

Note that I feel this kind of building *should* leave your castle defenseless for at least some time. This would make investment into a second layer of security more worthwhile and provide windows of opportunity for well-prepared enemies.

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