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In Response to Nachtschatten
Well written. While attempting to translate this, though, I came across some things I'd like to ask you about. I hope I don't ask too obvious things, but I must admit that I haven't been following OC development too close recently.

> The renderer loads models in the Ogre 3D format, a lightweight format for 3d models tailored to be rendered in realtime.

To me, it is not clear what "tailored" relates to. It can both mean that the models are tailored or the format is tailored. Which is it?

> As opposed to the classic sprite graphics, 3D models are much more versatile: First ...

It seems to miss a "Second, ..." or something similar. I can hardly translate it with "Erstens" when there is no "Zweitens". Am I misunderstanding its meaning?

> However this feature is still experimental and does only work for one gamepad.

As the state of gamepad support is unknown to me, does this mean only one gamepad can be used at any time, no matter how many are actually connected? Or is there only one model of gamepads currently supported, e.g. the XBox360 controller and no others?

> Overall, the clonk has been made more agile than before: He can not only move and use stuff while jumping,

This is ambiguous. Does it mean that the Clonk can "not only (move+use stuff) while jumping", or does it mean that the Clonk can "not only (move) and (use stuff while jumping)"? E.g., the first case would translate to "Im Sprung kann er sich nicht nur bewegen und Dinge benutzen", the second one to "Er kann sich nicht nur bewegen, und Zeug im Sprung nutzen, ...".

> All object manipulation functions have been stripped of their respective object parameters. E.g., write clonk->GetX(); instead GetX(clonk)

This is a terrible example, because GetX() does not manipulate an object. You could perhaps say "all functions concerning object state" or something similar. Or give a better example. ;)

> Many functionalities, like climbing ladders, rope physics, bases, workshop or clonk controls have been written in unitized library objects which are then included by the concrete objects.

For easier understanding, you could add that this is like it was with the DOOR object in CR.

> Local named variables are now properties of the object.

First you introduce the data type "proplist" and suddenly talk about properties of objects. You should elaborate that more in detail what a "property" is and how they and proplists relate to each other. Perhaps you could also explain what "proplist" abbreviates. "Property list" if I'm not mistaken? The most important thing I didn't understand here is: How can an object have a property list as property?

I hope you can clear these few things up.

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