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In Response to Newton

> To me, it is not clear what "tailored" relates to. It can both mean that the models are tailored or the format is tailored. Which is it?

Both actually ;-). What I meant, though, was the format.

> As the state of gamepad support is unknown to me, does this mean only one gamepad can be used at any time, no matter how many are actually connected? Or is there only one model of gamepads currently supported, e.g. the XBox360 controller and no others?

The first. Only one gamepad can be used.

> For easier understanding, you could add that this is like it was with the DOOR object in CR.

The example with the workshop should work too, because all workshops inherited from the WRKS(?) in CR too. The only problem was, that all workshop-like-objects then had a fundament the size of the workshop because it was never realised as a clean inheritance based on functionalities.

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