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Up Topic Development / Art Workshop / [Concept][Object] Rope ladder
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- - By Newton [de] Date 2010-03-06 02:06
Now that Randrian wrote a library for ladders, it is very easy to implement more ladders. To be placed in various scenarios, I propose a standard ladder like this:

For the rendering it is enough to show a ladder with a few rungs, in game they will be appended to each other.
Parent - By AlteredARMOR [ua] Date 2010-03-06 08:43
I can make both wooden and metal models
Parent - - By AlteredARMOR [ua] Date 2010-03-07 12:00
EDIT: Sorry, I would not make them.
My point is that we do not need additional ladders. If you want to climb vertically, you just build a loam wall or an elevator. The rope ladder seems good when you throw it away from some cliff or an airship but it has no other particular purpose. For use in some scenarios... just for decoration... do not know. Need to hear other opinions.
Parent - - By Newton [de] Date 2010-03-07 13:19
The main reason to have them is the same reason for having different trees, different rock graphics and different textures for the landscape.
Parent - - By AlteredARMOR [ua] Date 2010-03-07 13:32
I have to disagree. The only difference between different trees/rocks is graphics - except for this they surve the same purpose/have the same functions. The same applies for solid-body ladders: if we decide to have them then the difference between wooden and metal ladder would be (mostly... you would still have to use different materials to build them) the same as between different trees/rocks. But we can not say the same about rope ladded - this is the different concept.
What I try to state is that having solid-body ladders is completely useless since clonk can climb any natural vertical wall and has loam to build artificial ones.

P.S. We need different material texture for loam walls/bridges
Parent - By Newton [de] Date 2010-03-07 13:50
I am not talking about building them. I am talking about placing them in JNR scenarios to climb around. Also, the two photos are just inspiration how it could look - not that I requested two ladders - one wooden and one metal.
Parent - - By Randrian [de] Date 2010-03-07 17:21
the difference between a ladder and a say loam bridge placed in a scenario is that you can go through the ladder if you don't want to climb it. But with a loam bridge you can't. And a ropeladder doesn't always fit in the scenario design, cause you need some point where you can hinge it.

Btw. attacking castles with ladders also seems a cool idea. You just run to the castle and drop your ladder there go get in. Like it is often seen in movies where castles are attacked.
Parent - - By AlteredARMOR [ua] Date 2010-03-07 18:04
This makes sense.
I haven't thought about ladders being used for casstle attack (though it would be unnecessary sacrifice of gameplay to the realism) and definitely didn't know that they can be made "passable".
Alright, you have convinced me.
Parent - - By Randrian [de] Date 2010-03-07 18:38
Well, nether played hazard? There every scenario has some ladders do make upper platforms more accessible without blocking the lower ones.
Or played jungle, where you can climb on vines, but also pass them.
Parent - By AlteredARMOR [ua] Date 2010-03-07 18:53
Yes, never played hazard :-)
- By AlteredARMOR [ua] Date 2010-03-23 18:35
Currently there is no animation for clonk rolling out the rope ladder. Since it (ladder) flies far away (and then returns back) when it is used I suggest using the same throw animation which is used for a simple object throw.
Up Topic Development / Art Workshop / [Concept][Object] Rope ladder
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