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Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / Heat map, multiple area maps, and hiding secrets of nature
- - By Asmageddon [pl] Date 2009-06-25 09:56
In this thread I have only three little ideas:

1st. Heat Map - instead of one temperature level for every map like in CR, there should be a map with temperature, maybe with 8 times smaller resolution than terrain. Also a shader that shifts hue to blue/orange depending on temperature, and applies blur and little sinusoidal distortion to hot regions.

2nd. Multiple area maps - very easy to implement (oh well, it actualy does depend on architecture of engine, but I don`t think this should be a problem). What about a castle, that teleports clonks to other maps when entered? Also tunnel-portals, that are a gateway between two maps, and look like smooth transition between areas, so players just walk in, and walk out on other maps. Imagine the crypts full of undead, or well, that leads to cave full of crystals.

3rd. Hiding secrets of nature - Maybe a bit stupid sounding, but in fact very usefull, I think, that things under ground should be only very mildly visible, and things under water should be like 25% blended with water, and distorted a bit.
Parent - - By Clonkonaut [de] Date 2009-06-25 10:52

> Multiple area maps - very easy to implement

Like multiple scenarios? That's not "very easy to implement" ._.
Parent - - By Asmageddon [pl] Date 2009-06-25 11:20
I tought, that this is made way, that I used to do it in my games - all maps (with its objects, etc.) are stored in an array, and moving objects between two worlds was very easy (copy object to second world, erase it from 1st one, and change its X/Y position). But if you say, that it is not easy, then I belive you.
Parent - - By Sven2 [us] Date 2009-06-25 14:28
Clonk has scenario sections, which is essentially "multiple maps". Only one section can be active at the time and it's always the same for all players.
Parent - - By Asmageddon [pl] Date 2009-06-25 14:34
No, my idea was another - few maps load at once, and player can have for example 3 clonks on one map, and one on second, and switch between that clonks without any loading. two maps, that work separately.
Parent - - By Sven2 [us] Date 2009-06-25 14:44
They would all have to be simulated then. You could as well just put different parts of the map into different parts of the landscape then (e.g., reserve some space of the map for your building interiors, etc.).
Parent - - By Asmageddon [pl] Date 2009-06-25 14:53
simulating two 1000x1000 maps would take same amount of CPU as simulating one 2000x1000 map, even less, because object collections would be separate, and thus less CPU consuming
Parent - - By Sven2 [us] Date 2009-06-25 15:21
Object collisions are optimized into local sections already. Only some object searches (FindObject) would be faster.

Anyway, that is exactly my point. If all landscapes have to be simulated anyway, you can as well just put them into one big landscape.
Parent - - By Asmageddon [pl] Date 2009-06-25 15:24
Yes, but it would not be the same. What if I would like to create a fully destructible map? Then I could reach that part of map with interior places. Also it would not fit into my expandable-maps idea (however I doubt if anyone is going to implement it)
Parent - By Sven2 [us] Date 2009-06-25 15:30

> (however I doubt if anyone is going to implement it)

That's the point.

Right now, we don't even have enough game content to fill a single map.
Parent - By Maikel Date 2009-06-25 17:45
The idea of a temperature(to be distuingished from heat) map, I think is very useful, for the reasons you name here. Furthermore it could be useful for determining in which phase(gas, liquid, solid, plasma?) a material currently is. At the moment the freezing and melting of water is done rather silly.

I would also like to see the same concept used for wind. But here you probably need some field(pressure) from which the wind can be determined, since the wind velocity is directly proportional to the gradient of the pressure. Just like forces from potentials.

These concepts can provide in more dynamic landscaping.
Parent - - By Enrique [de] Date 2009-06-26 13:06

>walk out on other maps

SetScenarioSection() like in Goldrush?
Parent - Date 2009-06-26 13:19
Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / Heat map, multiple area maps, and hiding secrets of nature

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