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Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / accurate building
- - By Anonymous [de] Date 2009-07-02 12:49
One point i dislike on clonk is the unaccurate form of building buildings. If you play with the mous, everything is fine, but if you don't like to play with the mous or you play in the multiplayer, it's hard to position yout bulding. For example, when you play multiplayer and want to build up a small fort by keyboard, many of your fort-parts will have small gaps, that doesnt't look nice and can cause also problems. So my idea is, that you can move your bulding via motion-keys right and left, so that you can position it better. Another idea is, that you can activate in the option-menu a option, that your buildings will automaticly fit on other buildings, if they are very near to them
Parent - - By Dragonclonk [de] Date 2009-07-02 12:53
The parts of the forts get automaticaly together, when there are some pixels free between them. Adding with motion keys would be like the same effect like cheating. Good players have no problem to connect the parts of the fort.
Parent - By Nachtschatten Date 2009-07-02 23:41

> (...) cheating. Good players have no problem (...)

You make it sound like those mythical "good players" are a reason that such a feature should be available to nobody. Care to explain?

Having an aid for the placement of buildings would be user-friendly for everyone, and thus a big plus in my book. Well, for everyone who doesn't use the mouse, at least. Nevertheless, he's also suggesting to extend the auto-adjusting to all buildings, if I understand him correctly. If that's a good thing is up for debate, I guess, but "cheating", seriously?
Parent - - By Sven2 [us] Date 2009-07-03 01:48
I think the mouse placement is great and a very intuitive way of placing buildings. We should rather advertice this method more.

One way would be to start mouse building automatically once you have selected the menu item by mouse. I.e., you don't Drag+Drop anymore, but you left click the building in the menu, then your cursor turns into the building and you left click again into the landscape. This is how it's done in most strategy games.
Parent - By Isilkor Date 2009-07-03 01:59
This could apply to keyboard controls as well. Select a building from the menu, then show the building (half-transparently?) behind the clonk and allow the player to move to the correct position.
Parent - - By Atomclonk [de] Date 2009-07-03 14:55
I saw a rule(?) in Clonk Rage which allows you to see where your building would be if you build it here... maybe we can implent this for the keyboard-only players.
Parent - By Simsi [de] Date 2009-07-03 20:38
I thought about this, too. It's an optional rule from somebody on the CCAN.
Parent - By dan-dan [de] Date 2009-07-03 21:04
this is the best idea, when the building is behind you like you would have a mouse
Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / accurate building

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