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Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / What kind of home base we really need?
- - By Ape [fi] Date 2009-07-17 14:19
In previous Clonk games we have had a base with a flag providing heal, fire extinguish and a shop. Do we really need that? Do we even need a thing like money? There should be buildings that work as a storage place for items. Also you should be extinguished when you enter a base building. The clonks could slowly heal (for free) while they are inside (maybe faster on better houses). But I think we don't need that shop thing. Everything can be produced when needed.

So I am suggesting a full renewal of the economical system. Everything should be produced by the player or gathered from the environment. If you want a map e.g. for melee, in which you don't have to produce thing manually, you could provide the items on the map. There could be for example a prebuild base full of useful items.

Please post comments and say why this kind of system would or would not work.
Parent - By Travis Date 2009-07-17 17:00
It's always nice when you produced some metal or whatever, just to sell it, and for that money you can buy something else, just like trading. And of course I'am really greedy for Gold. I think it is important to have different ways, to get what you need. I want to heal myself, stop me from burning, go shopping or sale something I produced. But please not 3-4 buildings. Just one "base". I mean, do you wanne build some army tent or something, like in other games, just to get a new Clonk?  
Parent - - By Sven2 [de] Date 2009-07-17 18:55
I think the possibility of trading is an important feature. But we may change it to be used a bit less than it is now. E.g., you need to build a marketplace where you can trade independant of your homebase and at a great loss of value (sell stuff for half its value?). I think Peter wanted to implement a base change anyway.

Buildings full of weapons usually don't work well for Melees. The game is either decided in one, initial rush when all the weapons are used, or it ends in a stalemate.
Parent - - By Ape [fi] Date 2009-07-17 19:31

> Buildings full of weapons usually don't work well for Melees.

It doesn't have to have too much weapons, but some premade infrastructure and some weapons to start with. So that you don't have to make everything from scratch.
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2009-07-17 20:46

>It doesn't have to have too much weapons, but some premade infrastructure and some weapons to start with. So that you don't have to make everything from scratch.

And what if the players doesn't want to settle much? I think to have the functionality or the concept of "buying things" is quite good. Even if it is not lucrative in settlement rounds
Parent - - By Dragonclonk [de] Date 2009-07-18 11:45

>And what if the players doesn't want to settle much?

A rule can help, perhaps.
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2009-07-18 12:54
A rule would not help if we threw out the concept of buying things :P
Parent - By Ape [fi] Date 2009-07-18 13:07
Maybe we shouldn't fully discard the shop, but instead use something like Sven said.
Parent - By Travis Date 2009-07-17 22:53

>But we may change it to be used a bit less than it is now. E.g., you need to build a marketplace where you can trade independant of your homebase and at a great loss of value (sell stuff for half its value?)

What is so wrong with the contemporary base system? Marketplace is just another stupid building, that often occurs in other games, but in the end i liked Clonk always, because it was simple. I like it fast and simple, the flagged building is the center of the base , that makes sense to me.
Parent - - By Asmageddon [pl] Date 2009-07-27 12:15
Yes, good idea, I would really prefer some kind of marketplace to trading in homebases. Maybe a system like that:
For every object you put inside you are asked for value, and then other players can buy it, or they will be simply sold to a fictional non-existing player, if algorythm would decide, that the offer is good enough. Maybe auctions for some scenarios?
Parent - By knight_k [de] Date 2009-07-27 16:01

> you are asked for value [...] they will be simply sold to a fictional non-existing player, if algorythm would decide, that the offer is good enough

I think it'll be very annoying to have to find out the "best deal with the computer" by trying decreasing prices, every time... -> the algorithm should propose the price.
Parent - - By Nachtschatten Date 2009-07-18 00:40 Edited 2009-07-18 00:45
Money can't really be removed as far as I see it, because having to trade with goods only gets tedious really quickly. The others have said it well already.

Count me in for the idea to sell at a loss. Changing the other functions of the home base (and perhaps relocating them to new/other types of buildings) does indeed sound interesting.
However, relocating is probably only useful if this function can be taken over by a different building and be extended. Take healing+extinguishing, for example. Move only that to some new hospital building? Nah. But if we would say that, at the hospital, you could also produce medicine and perhaps cure diseases, it would much more be worth it.

It's a balancing thing, I guess: The home bases currently serve a couple of simple yet central functions, which might be moved if they get more complex. That, in turn, would make it a little harder to build up your settlement, as you currently construct a single hut, and bam: You're ready to take on the complex production lines.

Apart from that, I'm undecided about free healing, and different healing rates for different bases. I'd have to see it in different scenarios. Especially in melees, where that could lead to "home base camping", as you never have to go out and get gold.
Parent - By Zapper [de] Date 2009-07-18 09:35

>Apart from that, I'm undecided about free healing, and different healing rates for different bases.

Currently healing costs 5 gold per 100hp
Parent - - By Atomclonk [de] Date 2009-07-18 20:35
I would prefer something like the trading system in Space Launch with the uplink. Changing rates for items (e.g. more of an item aviable -> it's cheaper) and loss of money at buying/selling would be nice. With a rule every Player may have the same supplys and demand, which would enable a great economy an trade between players, or new tactics in melees.
Parent - By MimmoO Date 2009-07-18 20:57
ack. i liked the trading system in SL verry much. imo a great idea. hope it will be like this. i also somehow misliked that there is no loss of money in clonk now
Parent - - By Enrique [mx] Date 2009-07-20 17:42
Get healed in every building sounds to me weird. Imagine a situation, if you are in the enemys base and you enter the workshop or a building that is open for everyone and get healed in the enemys base. Same if you captured in CoFuT a lockable room (over the kontors(?)) to get healed and to be saved.
Parent - By Atomclonk [de] Date 2009-07-20 18:05
I think he didn't mean it so. Just the "Bases", like a hut, a wooden hut or a castle.
Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / What kind of home base we really need?

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