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- - By grgecko [ar] Date 2012-06-18 18:50
Hello, here I post my 1rst and 2nd tutorials modifications (about "New controls adaptation") and some questions:

  - Date about my cloned (original files): 2012-05-09 - 18:30 hs. (aprox.) - GMT -3

  - Paths:
    > planet/Tutorial.ocf/Tutorial01.ocs/DescUS.rtf
    > planet/Tutorial.ocf/Tutorial01.ocs/StringTblUS.txt

    > planet/Tutorial.ocf/Tutorial02.ocs/StringTblUS.txt

  - Reference pages:
    > (recomended)

  - Questions (excuse me if I was precise/meticulous, but I wanted to make a good "grammatical/orthography" work (I like it!), although I considered the context too (game level context) - I don't know fine, it's my first contribution to the "code" game :) )

    Note 1:  I DON'T SPEAK VERY WELL ENGLISH. I include the originals and partially-modificated files that include "[dude?]" and "[option A/option B?]" symbols for somebody can help me or fix their directly. I post this now, too,  for other persons can work in tutorials 3 to 5. All tutorials are too much work for my for now! ;).

    Note 2: I am a few late in this work because I was working in an important bug (for me) before too ( and because this is my FIRST "contribution" to the game. Sorry if I'm late.

    Tutorial 1:

    > Line 14 (MsgTutHangle): "[hangle?]" - I found this term in "urban" dictionary - mix between hang and bundle - is it correctly/recomendable to use?

    > Line 17 (MsgTutTools): "[maps/assigns?]" +++ (see bottom)

    Tutorial 2:

    > Line 10 (MsgTutCrewSelection): "[either?]" in more that 2 options I understand that isn't right to use it - Am I right?
      "in the upper left [part of the HUD/corner of the screen?]" +++ (see bottom)

    > Line 12 (MsgTutFreeOtherClonk): "... your clonk can interact with many objects, most of them [vehicles/containers/moving objects?] and buildings." - I understand that original word "vehicules" isn't very well because in the game they aren't many of them (only a plane), at least at the moment; yes they are many "containers" or "moving object" too (you can write both); I think, correct to me, please.

      "[HUD/screen?]" +++ (see bottom)

    > Line 17 (MsgTutRopeladder): "[climb up?]" - I understand that in stairs/ladders you can "climb" their; in ropes you can "climb up" theirs; but in "rope ladder"? climb? climb up?

    > Line 20 (MsgTutBlastedGranite): "[grapple bows/grappling hooks?]" - "grapple bows" exists/is a "formal" word?

    > Line 21 (MsgTutLastGrapple): "No chance swimming across here, the easiest way [over?] is by..." - is it correct?
      "[grapple bows/grappling hooks?]" - same before

      "Shoot the first hook into the granite; then, while scaling the rope, use the second one. Repeat this till you [crossed?] the acid lake." - is it correct?

    +++ words like "map" (in the idea of assign st to st) and "HUD", aren't some technicals to somebody "new" in the game? before, at the started point of Tutorial 1, anybody wrote "in the upper right corner of the screen", no HUD - I don't know.

  * Note: for rtf file, I used Wine Wordpad; I think that it didn't make a "bad modification" to rtf code structure.

This is all, I hope that this be helpful... 

regards and thanks!
Parent - By grgecko [ar] Date 2012-06-18 19:28
it's strange... the forum attach procedure cuts short my last 2 "modified"s words... but the contenst is fine, I think
Parent - - By Newton [de] Date 2012-06-19 19:59
Wow, muchas gracias pro tu contribucion! Que yo sepa, el tutorial ha sido desatendido por algun tiempo ya despues las mayores modificaciones de boni. Es muy bien que ahora alguien presta atencion a esto. Ahora no tengo mucho tiempo para review esto pero voy a hacerlo ASAP. Seria mejor si crearias un patch o diff con Mercurial en lugar de los archivos originales+modified poque es mas facil anadirlo a nuestro control de versiones.

Crees que el tutorial necessita otras o mas modificaciones para contener todos los nuevos cambios y features del nuevo systema de control?

Leiste la notificacion en el dialago "attach"? Para contribuor algo al projecto, es necessario que nos permites usar tu contribucion bajo una licencia libre (usamos la licencia Creative Commons Attribution 3.0)

Mi espanol esta todavia peor que tu Ingles pero sin embargo estoy feliz que tengo una opurtunidad para practicar :-)
Parent - - By Clonkonaut [ie] Date 2012-06-19 21:51
Community->Create new forum "Spanish" :P
Parent - By Zapper [de] Date 2012-06-19 23:05
Si, mucho appreciato
Parent - - By grgecko [ar] Date 2012-06-27 20:04
De nada, gracias a Uds. por el muy buen juego que están haciendo (y lo mismo por la gente de Clonk)!

> Seria mejor si crearias un patch o diff con Mercurial en lugar de los archivos originales+modified...

Voy a estar aprendiendo más sobre Mercurial para poder hacerlo en futuras contribuciones.

> Crees que el tutorial necessita otras o mas modificaciones para contener todos los nuevos cambios y features del nuevo systema de control?

Creo que los Tutoriales 1 y 2 estan bien adaptados (lo mismo hace falta trabajar con los Tut. 3 al 5).

> Leiste la notificacion en el dialago "attach"? ... (usamos la licencia Creative Commons Attribution 3.0)

Al intentar subir los archivos, me aparecieron 2 opciones: la licencia ISC y ademas la CC BY; pregunté en el chat y como no sabían bien opté por poner sólo la ISC. ¿La CC BY es sólo para publicaciones multimedia (audio, imagen o video)?

> Mi espanol esta todavia peor que tu Ingles...

Tu español está bastante bueno, mi inglés: "so so" :), y bueno, si puedo ayudar en algo en español, estoy a disposición! (tal vez hacer las versiones "spanish" de los archivos, aunque bastante trabajo sería estuve viendo :S)

> Community->Create new forum "Spanish" :P


> Si, mucho appreciato

This seems more italian than spanish ;)

Parent - - By Newton [de] Date 2012-06-28 17:38

> Voy a estar aprendiendo más sobre Mercurial para poder hacerlo en futuras contribuciones.

Es muy facil hacer un patch. Hay un articulo en la FAQ por eso: How do I submit a patch?

> pregunté en el chat y como no sabían bien opté por poner sólo la ISC. ¿La CC BY es sólo para publicaciones multimedia (audio, imagen o video)?

Usamos la licencia ISC por el codigo fuente del engine y por todas las otras cosas (audio, imagen, texto, ...) CC BY. CC BY es muy general, es aplicable por media, textos, documentos, codigo fuente,.. todo.

> Tu español está bastante bueno, mi inglés: "so so" :), y bueno, si puedo ayudar en algo en español, estoy a disposición! (tal vez hacer las versiones "spanish" de los archivos, aunque bastante trabajo sería estuve viendo :S)

Si localices los textos de Clonk en Espanol, cambie mi Clonk a Espanol para leer & apprender mas ;-). Pero sería mucho trabajo y no se si hay mucha gente Espanola que quieren jugar Clonk y no entienden Ingles. Lo vale la pena?
Parent - - By Clonk-Karl [de] Date 2012-06-29 12:36
Please do write texts in English in the forums, or take this to a private conversation.
Parent - - By PeterW [gb] Date 2012-06-29 15:16
Or a Spanish subforum. As long as we have moderators that understand the language...
Parent - - By Newton [de] Date 2012-06-29 16:44
For one person? I'm not sure if there is the demand for that.
Parent - By Sven2 [de] Date 2012-06-29 17:34
Yeah, take it easy. No need to get overly bureaucratic here :-)
Parent - - By PeterW [gb] Date 2012-06-29 22:44
Sure. But when in doubt, it would be preferable to forbidding people from speaking it.
Parent - - By Newton [de] Date 2012-06-30 13:42
I got the same opinion as Sven there, taking it easy. I can't think of how anyone would be actually offended by non-english language popping up here and there in the forum, after all we want to be welcoming to people from all over the world. And I value that higher than any strict English-only rule. The reason we were more strictly against German posts 2 years ago had other reasons.

Well, everybody got his own opinions about that topic I am sure, so let me just state here that I don't mean to offend anyone whenever I post in non-English.
Parent - By grgecko [ar] Date 2012-07-01 00:58
I understand that it's better writing in English than in other language, and then I don't have much problem (my English isn't too bad!); only I wanted to answer 1 time in Spanish :). Thanks, anyway, to all for, on one hand, try to welcome all people and, on the other hand, try to do all in the better way! :) I don't have problem, and I will continue writing in English (only excuse me any mistakes!).

Parent - By Newton [de] Date 2012-06-23 18:11
Parent - - By Newton [de] Date 2012-06-23 19:00

>"[hangle?]" - I found this term in "urban" dictionary - mix between hang and bundle - is it correctly/recomendable to use?

Well, there is no real word for that in English. In Spanish neither, I reckon (see link). But well, not so important imo. Players will quickly find out what is meant with this "Englishized" word and the English language will be richer of one word ;-)

> Line 10 (MsgTutCrewSelection): "[either?]" in more that 2 options I understand that isn't right to use it - Am I right?

Hm, I don't  think so. It's right. (Either that, that or that)
Parent - - By Marky [de] Date 2012-06-25 13:09
to brachiate

Beispiele/ Definitionen mit Quellen  bra·chi·ate
Pronunciation: \ˈbrā-kē-ˌāt\
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): bra·chi·at·ed; bra·chi·at·ing
Date: 1928
: to progress by swinging from hold to hold by the arms
— bra·chi·a·tion \ˌbrā-kē-ˈā-shən\ noun
— bra·chi·a·tor \ˈbrā-kē-ˌā-tər\ noun

Sounds strange though ;)
Parent - By Clonkonaut [ie] Date 2012-06-25 15:10

> Sounds strange though ;)

Indeed. Would be careful with that. I don't think this is a proper use for that word. See here:

@p4cm4n  An das Verb  'to brachiate' dachte ich zuerst auch, doch es bedeutet wohl nur ein ganz bestimmtes Hangeln, nämlich ein elegant schwingendes - von Ast zu Ast, Zweig zu Zweig, übertragen Liane zu Liane, kein Hangeln im allgem Sinn, wenn es eben nicht, wie bei Klammeraffen oder im Trickfilm, mit traumhafter Sicherheit from one hold to another geht, sondern man sich (wie wir Menschen im wirklichen Leben) an einem einzigen Gerät mühsam - "griffweise" - nach oben hangelt. Dennoch Dank auch für diesen Vorschlag. Er deckt auf alle Fälle einen Teil der ugs. Bedeutungsbreite des dt. Verbs ab.

I would say there is no English word for that. Thus 'hangle' might be a fair enough Germanism since we need a quick and little word to describe the action. But it is probably a good idea to not use it in the tutorial messages.
Parent - By Newton [de] Date 2012-06-23 19:07
I pushed your changes and added the German equivalent:

Link to the changeset
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