You can't chop down a tree! There is a Damage() function added in
by Zapper
which alters chop down behaviour of the conifer trees to
You can't play any of the settlement scenarios now.
You can't chop down a tree! There is a Damage() function added in
5028 (4442a2b16ef8) added burned graphics for the Coniferous
by Zapper
which alters chop down behaviour of the conifer trees to
if (GetDamage() > MaxDamage() && OnFire())
You can't play any of the settlement scenarios now.
Fixed in 6f30192c2494
I don't get this line though:
The burned tree does burn however. Maybe Zapper should take a look at this.
Bugfix release then? My tutorial fix will make it into the release then as well!
I don't get this line though:
The burned tree does burn however. Maybe Zapper should take a look at this.
Bugfix release then? My tutorial fix will make it into the release then as well!
>I don't get this line though:
OnFire returns an integer from 0 to 100 and Incinerate takes an integer from 0 to 100
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