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Up Topic General / Help and Questions / Making New Objects From Scratch
- - By J. J. [py] Date 2012-11-01 22:02
I will be trying to learn how to model in blender and I want to know how to import export blender files with eclipse. I also want to know how connect certain animations with certain movements like if (go left) then (animation=go left).
Parent - - By Ringwaul [ca] Date 2012-11-02 01:48
Something like this is a lot more complex that you might think. If I am in IRC I'll be able to give you some help(server:, but something so involved as this would be impossible to explain in a forum post.
Parent - - By J. J. [py] Date 2012-11-02 21:05
I'm not sure what IRC is but I would love to get some help and maybe after you help me and I learn blender better then I would like to help with the open clonk development if you would like me to work on it I do have school but I still have plenty of free time to work on open clonk.
Parent - - By Ringwaul [ca] Date 2012-11-03 01:17
Great to hear! :) When I first started developing for OpenClonk my 3D skills were pitiful and my scripting nonsensical, but what is really important is your passion and enthusiasm to create something you can be proud of.

OpenClonk itself has a built in IRC client which you can use to easily connect to our channel. (Start Network Game -> irc Chat)

Learning blender is a difficult process in itself. If you have no 3D modelling experience blender will be very confusing. This isn't something I have time to help with, but I'm sure there are tutorials on how to learn the basics of using blender, if you google them.
Parent - - By J. J. [py] Date 2012-11-03 19:15

>Learning blender is a difficult process in itself. If you have no 3D modelling experience blender will be very confusing. This isn't something I have time to help with, but I'm sure there are tutorials on how to learn the basics of using blender, if you google them.

I already am learning blender using the tutorials at the blender home page.
As for having a passion for scripting and molding I like them both. I am learning the piano but I'm not sure how to make a piece of music that is really mine and not a copy of what someone else has already made. How do I know the music I make is really mine so I can really claim it's mine?
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2012-11-03 19:28

>How do I know the music I make is really mine so I can really claim it's mine?

Welcome to the current world of patents and copyrights.
Parent - By J. J. [py] Date 2012-11-03 19:34

>Welcome to the current world of patents and copyrights.

Yes, it's a pain sometimes. :(
Parent - - By J. J. [py] Date 2012-11-07 19:13

>OpenClonk itself has a built in IRC client which you can use to easily connect to our channel. (Start Network Game -> irc Chat)

I'm having problems with this I'm not sure how to use the IRC client, and I still want some information on how to import and export blender files with eclipse and "linking" the animation with the script. IF you had the time you could send the explanation as a/some personal message/messages.

PS: I some words of encouragement, You are doing a great job on the open clonk project. I like the and the people on the forum. Thank you for your time and work that you have put into the project and helping me with some stuff that I didn't understand. Two thumbs up. b d
Parent - By Caesar [de] Date 2012-11-07 20:47

> I'm not sure how to use the IRC client

Click Network, Click Chat, Enter Nickname, Click Connect, Ignore Warning, Wait 15 Seconds, there you are...
Up Topic General / Help and Questions / Making New Objects From Scratch

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