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- - By J. J. [py] Date 2012-11-03 19:41
My computer wants me to give my password for connecting to the clonk network. :(

1: Is it safe?

2: Can I get viruses through a network like this?

3: Can I get spyware and/or cookies from a network like this?

4: Can someone steal my password from a network like this?
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2012-11-03 20:21
Do you mean the Password field when you click on Chat? You can leave that empty!

If not, which one do you mean?

If you are talking about the chat: It is very, very unlikely that anything could happen through the Clonk-ingame-IRC client that affects the rest of your computer.
Parent - - By J. J. [py] Date 2012-11-03 21:13

>If not, which one do you mean?

I mean my windows 7's security password.
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2012-11-03 21:34
But why does it want that?
When you try to open the chat?
Parent - - By J. J. [py] Date 2012-11-03 21:47
You need the password to allow any changes to your computer. It asked for it when I clicked on the network button in open clonk and I'm not sure why ether. :\
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2012-11-03 22:29
I guess it's just windows7 being overly sensitive.

When you click network, Clonk tries to connect to the masterserver to get the list of open games. And I think windows just asks for the password, because Clonk tries to open an internet connection.
Parent - - By Clonkonaut [de] Date 2012-11-03 22:45

>  And I think windows just asks for the password, because Clonk tries to open an internet connection.

It's called "Windows Firewall"
Parent - - By J. J. [py] Date 2012-11-03 22:47
OK. That makes since. So is it safe?
Parent - - By Clonkonaut [de] Date 2012-11-03 22:59
Yes, it's safe. It only blocks outgoing connections anyway. Clonk wants to ask the Masterserver for running games in order to display this information to you. If you disallow the connection, (hopefully) you'll see no information.
The only way someone could use this to harm you is either to change the server address (see OC options; but this requires access to your computer) or to spot a bug in OC which makes it possible to send malicious data over the master server (which is very unlikely).
Parent - By J. J. [py] Date 2012-11-03 23:21
Good! :D
Parent - By Zapper [de] Date 2012-11-03 23:13
It is still stupid that windows titles that dialog with "changes to your computer"
Parent - - By Caesar [de] Date 2012-11-03 23:33
That's not the real cause. It also opens a broadcast listening port and that requires a firewall exception, which has to be added. That is a change to the computer.

Didn't our installer add a firewall rule for OC?
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2012-11-04 00:00
Yes, but "change to your computer" sounds as if your monitor would turn pink permanently or something like that.
Parent - By Fluff [gb] Date 2012-11-04 00:49
... I have a suggestion for the next version.
Parent - By Günther [de] Date 2012-11-30 23:01

> Didn't our installer add a firewall rule for OC?

Yes. I even remember testing it, but that's no guarantee that it still works.
- - By J. J. [py] Date 2012-11-05 19:39
How do I hide my flag by my name and not my online status?
Parent - By Fluff [gb] Date 2012-11-05 22:04
One of the options here, possibly?
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