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Up Topic Development / Developer's Corner / Bugtracker rampage
- - By Newton [de] Date 2013-01-13 16:19 Edited 2013-01-13 16:22
Hey team

I have been digging deep in the bugtracker the last week and got down and fixed some long standing bugs. I also reassigned some and requested feedback for other bugs. Could you please check whats all assigned to you and respond?

Also, with an effort of the whole team, we could get the bug count again as low as we haven't reached it since three years! Here, I made a little graphic... :-)

Attachment: graph.png (27k)
Parent - By Maikel Date 2013-01-14 20:13
I added my epsilon contribution!
- - By Newton [th] Date 2013-12-11 09:24 Edited 2013-12-11 09:29
Perhaps you saw some stuff happening in the last week in the bugtracker (~40 bugs)... that was me

Requesting your contributions! :-)
Attachment: delta.png (9k)
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2013-12-11 09:40
Very nice! I will do my very best to create new bugs so that we won't run out of them! That would be quite the outrage!
Parent - - By Newton [th] Date 2013-12-11 10:51 Edited 2013-12-11 10:58
I know you are joking, but I don't find that funny honestly. I have been quite busy the last week(s) working on the resolution of these bugs, partly working fulltime on OC. Everyone knows how unpleasant it is to wade through the swamp that is fixing bugs (of other people to boot). It is not nice to read someone making jokes about that rather than getting some acknowledgment for making the dirty work or taking it as an inspiration to help out there.

On another note, you've got as many bugs assigned to you like nobody else. I reckon they are all connected to the new controls and hud but I haven't seen you working on it anymore in the last months. What is the status on that? Do you need help from the communit / the other developers to finish your project?
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2013-12-11 19:43
I see that my posting makes the impression that I don't appreciate your work - that is not true!
I am very happy to see that someone is willing to put so much effort into making OpenClonk better! Especially when it comes to the things that noone else wants to do because they are either very small and involve a lot of annoying testing or when they come along with cleaning up a lot of other stuff in order to fix.

With my posting I was hinting at this and that bug, because with the last things I did, I actually was creating more bugs for you instead of fixing existing ones!

The bugs assigned to me are mostly control things or things related to other stuff in the Controls branch. Some are fixed or non-issues with all the changes there and just need to be confirmed as such and some will be fixed along the way of other things that change (or are assigned as a reminder what to pay attention to and what issues we had with the old control system).
In the last time I worked on the particle stuff instead of the controls because at some point I had the impression that there was a small team motivated and willing to improve the aesthethics of OpenClonk and therefore serving them a better-functioning particle engine would give the best pay-off for the work I could spend on OpenClonk (because it would either motivate them a bit or just surf along on their motivation and result in a more beautiful and juicy game).

I did not give up on the control stuff, of course. Especially since there already has gone so much work into that, that giving up on the home stretch would be pretty stupid.
Since I will probably have to change how some things are handled internally (see comments here) I would be happy if someone would help with the scripting part (which mainly equals creating the new interaction-menu) once I continue working on the menus. I can understand however if noone wants to do that - I'd continue that afterwards then :)
Parent - - By Newton [th] Date 2013-12-12 10:24
Okay, thank you for the clarification. :-)

The new interaction menu would need to be rescripted completely (as it is not synchronized)?
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2013-12-12 22:56
Well, it will mainly have to be rewritten because of the different design we "completed" at the last CM. That all the different menus we have are basically merged into one etc. (Matthi, did you upload the sketches somewhere?)

Currently the main framework is implemented as well as the inventory menu. The framework should support different menus below each other (untested!). So, for example, the foundry would have the inventory menu in the upper half of the screen and the production menu below that.
This still needs a lot of work to finish, of course, but the general direction should already be present.

(Screenshot of the inventory menu here)
Parent - By Matthias [de] Date 2013-12-13 00:00
It's still in the dropbox we used to share stuff at the cm. If you want, you can upload it to your thread about the menus, of course, I don't mind! - but its just a very, very messy skribble.. ;)
Parent - By Sven2 [de] Date 2013-12-11 21:53
Yeah, relax. It's all cool and thanks for your contributions especially on the less visible stuff :-)
Parent - By Newton [th] Date 2013-12-17 17:31
We are down to 140 now! (Of which are 72 unassigned, not feature requests/tweaks and not on feedback)
Up Topic Development / Developer's Corner / Bugtracker rampage

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