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Up Topic General / Help and Questions / Getting Started with OGRE
- - By Tackleberry Date 2013-03-27 16:43
So, I was looking around the documentation on meshes to get started with creating new objects. However, I find it rather hard to get into this (I have no experience with this, whatsoever, but still), since I'm not sure what to think of OGRE. So, a few questions:

- Is it possible that the links on about OGRE are dead? Especially the "OGRE Wiki" and "OgreXMLConverter" links just take me to an index site, and every link I try there gives me a 404.

- After using google, I found the "Latest Blender Export Script", but it is for a rather old version (2.49b), and seeing that they last updated it in 2010 gives me an insecure feeling. So I wanted to ask whether there is an exporter for a newer version of Blender (should this work?)

Sorry if those questions are rather stupid, I'm just really new to this.
Parent - By Clonk-Karl [de] Date 2013-03-27 16:57
Apparently they changed their wiki installation. It is now available at Probably the links in the documentation have to be adjusted... I'll do that later.
Parent - - By Andriel Date 2013-03-27 18:13
Artists Guide
Modelling Workflow
These two pages contain all the information you need. (I guess you know how to model)

The exporter script you linked is fine, I'm using it with Blender 2.63 and have never had any problems so far. Just make sure "swap axes" in the side panel is set to "xyz" in the export dialogue.
Parent - By Tackleberry Date 2013-03-27 20:43
Alright, thanks!
Up Topic General / Help and Questions / Getting Started with OGRE

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