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Up Topic General / Help and Questions / Reporting 'experimental'-bugs to the bugtracker?
- - By Anonymous [de] Date 2013-03-29 14:58
No one expects everything to work in a folder called "experimental", so what kind of bugs of these scenarios should be reported? All? Only crashes?  The fact that the scenarios are in this folder implies, that the developers are aware of the contents condition.
Parent - - By Sven2 [de] Date 2013-03-29 15:18
Some of them are truly experimental, like Cable Lorries. But most of them are finished to a point where they only need stuff like decoration, balancing, maybe intro/outro, description, etc. I'd be happy to hear about any bugs or ideas.

As a rule of thumb, if the scenario has a game goal (the thing in the top right corner that tells you what to do), you can report bugs. Except for stuff like "doesn't have a description" of course :)
Parent - By Anonymous [de] Date 2013-03-29 16:09
I'll get started!
Parent - - By Newton [de] Date 2013-03-29 23:28
As we are through with our last regular stable release before the next feature release, I'd suggest to move the "not truly experimental" scenarios out of experimental.
Parent - - By Sven2 [de] Date 2013-03-30 00:52
I'm not sure about how they should be sorted in the end. I'm still thinking about making a "missions" or "campaign" folder which contains some of the scenarios as a small connected storyline. Unfortunately, they don't really fit together for the most part. I was hoping that we can make up a storyline at the OCM :)

But I guess I could still just move them all to Settlement for now. Moves are cheap with git and don't lose history, do they?
Parent - By Günther [de] Date 2013-03-30 19:16

> Moves are cheap with git and don't lose history, do they?

Yes. Git can even detect partial copies and renames, for example moving a function from one file to another.
Up Topic General / Help and Questions / Reporting 'experimental'-bugs to the bugtracker?

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