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Up Topic Development / Scenario & Object Development / Organizing Scenario Development
- - By Maikel Date 2013-10-23 17:59
With the current work on the graphics side of the game, with shaders and lightning coming at some point and the last iterations on controls and settlement, we are almost arriving at a game which is really playable and enjoyable. Also soon there will be a league, or at least a test set-up where the first league rounds can be played. This will eventually all culminate in the next release, hopefully. Then we have an enjoyable game, probably which might look good and will attract some players. However, they will probably walk away if we don't have a consistent set of playable scenarios. So in my opinion we need some organization there.

Dividing the work
Here my idea: per scenario folder (we currently have Tutorials, Worlds, Missions, Arena and Parkours) we assign one or two persons who are maintainers. They will be responsible for this folder and will make sure all scenarios are playable "at any given moment in time". Don't take this too literal please. They should also ask authors of external content if we can take their scenario if it is good, gather feedback, etc. We just need to make sure our players enjoy and actually play our scenarios. Something which did not really happen in CR, where the standard Melee's where almost never played online.

Scenario folders
So the categories would for now be:
* Tutorials: these need to be redone for the new controls and I have some unfinished work here. So I would take over this folder for now, anyone is welcome to join.
* Parkours: contains all the parkours, here we need a maintainer.
* Arena: all small melees rounds are in here, also maintainer needed.
* Missions: These contain settlement scenarios with a specific goal, Sven will probably maintain this since he made most of them and wants to make a storyline for them.
* Worlds: Contain all settlement scenarios which have a simple goal and allow for free settling as well. This will be maintained by me, since here most scenarios are by me.

General remarks
* Anyone can of course contribute everywhere.
* The maintainers basically act as a person to speak to regarding this scenario folder (i.e. if you want to contribute a scenario as outsider).
* We should set up a thread per scenario to get feedback.
* I think we should not try to produce a massive amount of scenarios, but aim for quality and uniqueness instead.

So anyone willing to also get involved in scenario design as well or whoever strongly disagrees, please comment!
Parent - - By Clonkonaut [de] Date 2013-10-23 19:40

> Tutorials: these need to be redone for the new controls and I have some unfinished work here.

More like reconceptualised. The second one especially. :) Neither is the grapple bow the only object to show off nor is it that important for overall gameplay anymore.
Parent - By Maikel Date 2013-10-23 19:50
Yes indeed, and that is what I did for the first two, but it's still local work in progress. Also awaiting the controls changes, and making tutorials is rather time consuming, to say the least.
Parent - - By Pyrit Date 2013-10-24 21:57
I think I could help with the Worlds folder. But first I have to  get into the git stuff and up to date again.
There's some interesting things you could discuss about scenarios. Like the clouds. Because some scenarios use a sky that has clouds already painted on them. And then they additionally create cloud objects on top of it, resulting in an almost white sky.
Parent - By Maikel Date 2013-10-25 09:40
You can also use the dev snapshots, you are welcome to join.

About the clouds, it is probably better to discuss it in a different thread, but in Worlds they are mostly used for rain.
Up Topic Development / Scenario & Object Development / Organizing Scenario Development

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