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Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / General graphics update
- - By N4ppeL [ch] Date 2009-12-14 17:57
Hi everybody

I haven't been following the OpenClonk project all along, so I'm sorry if this (or something similiar) was already discussed.
Anyway, seeing you all talking about OpenClonk is going to be quite different from the original Clonk and it's going to be modern and stuff like this I came up with an idea:

I think you all know that Clonk is originally suited for a very low display resolution (afaik 640 x 480). Of course it supports higher resolutions too, but seriously, it's awful to play with so small clonks even on 1280x960 (I don't want to know what it would look like in full HD). I guess that is the reason why I and many other people still use 640x480 resolution. However I think right now is a nice occasion to catch up with the resolution a bit. Since 1280x960 is standard today and it's exactly twice as high and twice as wide as the original resolution, we could use exactly these proportions and make OpenClonk suitable for 1280x960. This would mean all the graphics are going to be four times as big as they are now. (ex: 10x10px (100px total) graphics will be 20x20px (400px total). I suppose that you can use the render models of the existing objects?)

If you think that is a little too big, something in the middle would probably also be nice.

So what do you think?

With this update another thing would be nice: There is a bug about snow being stuck in the air when an earthequake occurs (or is being casted by a mage) and this is really bad if there are single pixels in the air you barely can see but which can stop you while jumping so you fall off an island and die. (I posted that once into the bugtracker, but I think it was laid aside like: coming later when we do a general physics-upgrade) A possible solution was that every solid material must be connected with some amount of other solid material. Otherwise it falls down. (let's say at least 6-10 connected pixels?) Also weird is a very long row of earth only 1px thick (especially vertical, because then you can sometimes "jump" through it). Anyway, this should probably be discussed elsewhere.
Parent - - By Clonkonaut [de] Date 2009-12-14 21:53
It's possible to zoom in. That's it :)
Parent - - By Bowserkoopa [at] Date 2009-12-27 15:10
Yeah, right, the clonks are really a little bit to tiny if you look at your whole display. 16x20 pixel out of an 1660x1290 pixel display xD
Parent - - By Ringwaul [ca] Date 2009-12-27 22:24 The current clonk sprites are about 48x60 (3x larger than CR), and these aren't even going to be used in the end; we plan to use 3D meshes for Clonks and other such living creatures.

Speaking of which, do we already have a Clonk mesh?
Parent - - By Sven2 [de] Date 2009-12-27 22:26
Presumably, Randrian has one
Parent - By Ringwaul [ca] Date 2009-12-27 22:35
Awesome :)

@Randrian: If you can post it to the resource-repository, I'd like to make some animations.
Parent - By Newton [de] Date 2009-12-28 00:05
Yeah, with rigs. But when I fiddled around with the model, I found out that while the rigs might be helpful for the animation, the rigs only work good for the skeleton as it is now. If the shape of the model is changed (and/or the skeleton), the poses that can be made using the rigs look really weird.
Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / General graphics update

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