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Up Topic Development / Developer's Corner / Clonk Forum and Liga will be closed
- - By Newton [mm] Date 2014-03-12 05:33 Edited 2014-03-12 05:44
I didn't see that coming. The league and forum were the remainder of the CR community, the former being still quite active yet. It is a shame, but understandable - after all, the CR league was limited to registered players. If you can't register anymore, there is no sense in keeping a league for a closed set of players.

Like all of you I presume, it is important for me to preserve the heritage of Clonk (Rage). For me the question arises whether the community of Clonk (Rage) should "come home" to or be hosted on a separate site.

Here is my suggestions how to do this:

There is already a Clonk-related forum on clonkspot. I don't see a reason why there should be even another one. Nachtfalter and the clonkspot crew was I think quite active in suggesting new tournaments etc., so I think the CR league is in good hands on clonkspot and will gain some activity. As far as I understood, Nachtfalter would be more than willing to take over a clonk league and I also understood that we have an OK from Matthes, at least as soon as the league is down.

Also, we developed the Clonk Rage league further to enable a unified login using the credentials of a mwForum. We can give the source code of that to Nachtfalter so a clonkspot "Clonk Classics" league can profit from only having to create one account in their forum to automatically get an account in the clonkspot league. That also solves the "must have a registration" problem of the league.

The two clonk leagues can be developed in two separate branches in our repository.

I find it important that the league on clonkspot is ready to go when the league on closes down. We are in good time for that. If this is the way we go, we should talk with Matthes about that so that he could post a news entry on that the league has moved (and redirect to Perhaps even the DB could be imported...

How the other clonk sites like ccan, clonk-center, clonkforge (etc.?) solve the "must have a registration" problem is another issue they will have to think about.
Parent - By Shadow [de] Date 2014-03-12 11:21
When Matthes is writing his news entry, it would awesome to update the link to the clonkcenter, (on he's not working yet but the cc is still online!

Check this out!

The official one is broken :(!
Parent - By B_E [de] Date 2014-03-12 11:29
Sven2 mentioned he probably will update Clonk Rage to change the default masterserver, wherever the new one will be (here/clonkspot).
Parent - - By Newton [mm] Date 2014-03-16 02:05
I would have expected to hear a statement from at least nachtfalter about it here. Is he not interested?
Parent - - By Nachtfalter [de] Date 2014-03-16 12:01
Sorry. That was a very busy week for me. Of course we would be honoured to be responsible for the classic League Part. As for the technical Site, we should throw some Luchs!-call here.
Parent - - By Newton [th] Date 2014-03-19 14:27
yes, it would be very helpful if someone from the clonkspot team can work on or at least be a contact person (with access to the source) for the league development/adaptions.

Also, what do you think of an unified clonk login hosted on That would have the advantage that clonk users only ever have to create one account for all of clonk (A new account is created automatically on successful login with credentials). Specifically I am thinking about the league here of course. So we don't have to register two separate accounts for the two leagues.
Parent - - By Luchs [de] Date 2014-03-19 16:38

>yes, it would be very helpful if someone from the clonkspot team can work on or at least be a contact person (with access to the source) for the league development/adaptions.

I can do that.

>Also, what do you think of an unified clonk login hosted on

Sounds good in principle, but not without a German translation of the interface needed for that. Also, does not support HTTPS.
Parent - By Newton [th] Date 2014-03-20 02:29
Okay, could you provide Isilkor your public key for repository access?

unified login: Yes, this is a problem@HTTPS. The system would also need some work. Perhaps later then...
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