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Up Topic Community / Player Creations / Rescue.ocs (Settlement and Mission scenario)
- - By Ann [ro] Date 2014-09-10 16:52
This is my first OpenClonk Scenario with some scripting (besides of just creating some objects),
its been a while with me scripting with c4 (and so much changed since the net2 and clonk endeavor times), so maybe the scriptingpart is not the best yet.

The mission is, to find some NPC clonks on the map, and bring them back to the hut.

There is a chest with some materials, you may need.
Talk to the clonks, to order them to Follow you, or to wait at theyr current position.
There are some problems with the NPC clonks, wich are using the "Follow" command, specially when in caves or tunnels, it can be a little bit tricky to bring them out, but its possible :)

I would be glad if you can give me some tips/critics/ideas how to improve this scen, or if you had any problems.
Let me know if its to hard or to easy at all, or to much grinding.

license: CC-BY
Parent - - By Sven2 [de] Date 2014-09-10 19:45
The scenario is called "The lost ones" in the scenario list (which isn't obvious from the scenario filename and it's hard to find if you have an OC folder with tons of scenarios :)).

Game is open on snapshot! Anyone who wants to join?
Parent - By Ann [ro] Date 2014-09-10 20:18
oh, yes "Rescue" was the working title, i should rename it :)
Parent - - By Sven2 Date 2014-09-12 12:12
We've played it with two people recently. The idea and goal is nice, but I found the map design rather poor. It was very simplistic with clonks standing in the most obvious places. Concerning map design, compare it to e.g. treasure hunt in the missions folder of the current snapshot.

For the goal, it was a bit frustrating to have the clonks not follow you all the time. MoveTo commands is probably something we have to fix in the engine at some point. Right now, it's still using the Clonk Rage code which is not working any more on many occasions (e.g. for jumping).

What do you think about this alternative: When asked to follow, the clonks are temporarily added to your crew so you can control them yourself. However, these clonks are very crippled. E.g.: They cannot jump as high and they cannot scale or hangle. You then have to build elevators and bridges to pepare their path.
Parent - By Caesar [de] Date 2014-09-13 17:54
.oO(Carry Heavy Clonks…)
Up Topic Community / Player Creations / Rescue.ocs (Settlement and Mission scenario)

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