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Well, here's another song I'm working on right now.
I hereby license the file LucidDreamWIP.ogg under the CC-BY licenseI hereby license the file LucidDreamWIPv2.ogg under the CC-BY licenseI hereby license the file LucidDream.ogg under the CC-BY licenseI hereby license the file LucidDream.mmpz under the CC-BY license

There are these drums, the... violine(?) but what is the third instrument that plays from the beginning (0:00-0:23)? I think I like the tune, but I can almost not hear it over the drums and violine(?)

The first instruments that play are Congas, Acoustic Bass, and Synth String Ensemble.

Ah, so that tune in the background is the bass.

Yes, probably.

Oh, on a different computer, I can hear the bass loud and clear. I guess I have shitty speakers at home.

I like it very much, it's very mellow. I find a drums a little bit too loud though.

Btw are your pieces also in the full soundtrack? (i.e. when you select ala's Music.ocg in the installer?)

I think they aren't in there as far as I know. I already downloaded it once, but I had to add my songs manually.

Just uploaded another WIP version
By Maikel
Date 2015-12-12 08:14
Very pleasant to listen to. Maybe the bass could be reduced a little as long is doesn't "kill" the song.

Just uploaded the final version. Could someone push it to the repo?

Did you tag it already? :)

Yes, it's tagged with COMMENT=night

Pushed it to both repositories and also added it to the Music.ocg that contains ala's music on the download page.
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