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Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / Carrying objects
- - By Asmageddon [pl] Date 2010-01-11 10:57
Currently there are two modes of carrying objects - pick up(for item) and grab(for objects).
IMO there is something lacking - single clonk pushing a bridge segment is a bit unrealistic. I think, that there should be three modes instead of two:
Pick up - as it is now, for very small objects.
Grab - for objects like trees, and wheeled vehicles.
Carry - Each object would have few vertices defined, and player could select one clonk, walk up to lets say - lorry, 'grab' one vertice, walk up with second clonk and grab second vertice. This way all clonks from same team grabbing an object will follow movement of selected clonk, and this would allow few clonks to pick up a tree, and carry it over a gap in earth(tough not too big, as their jumping would be limited by weight of carried object. Also it would allow to pick up unconscious clonks and carry them to base. Sometimes with lesser objects even a single clonk could carry them.
Parent - - By cOOL sp0T [de] Date 2010-01-11 12:33
your objection is interresting, but i think it's better to make a button like "grab with group" or something. If in CR the lorry is too full and the clonk must pull up the lorry over a rise, then you need more then 1 clonk to move the lorry. For that idea i think it must be possible to controll more than one Clonk at the same time. Mouse Controll?
Parent - By Asmageddon [pl] Date 2010-01-11 15:39
Nah. Even with 999 clonks it would be a bit unrealistic to move lorry on >80 degrees slope. Carrying objects would be way more interesting, and I personnaly would love to see five clonks carrying a giant tree, jumping over a gap, and one clonk hanging on the tree, and then losing grip and falling :P
Parent - - By Atomclonk [de] Date 2010-01-11 16:08
Finally a really useful idea. :P
I like it.
Parent - By cOOL sp0T [de] Date 2010-01-11 16:30
I have a little idea to make that possible. The Player Controlled Clonk need a command like lead, imitate or something with that option a NPC Clonk or selectable Clonk comes and imitates your controlles like a bot. The edge is that the BotClonk if he imitate your exactly wouldn't stack or fall into a hole, if the Player Controlled Clonk takes care of his movements.
Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / Carrying objects

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