Use the items in OC to jump as far as you can. You start on a small platform and have to jump right. Two game modes:
* Record Jump: Players have a fixed amount of attempts and the one who jumps the farthest wins. You can buy items at your flagpole and have a fixed amount of wealth available per jump.
* Random Jumps: Players have a fixed amount of jumps with random items, the total distance jumped determines the winner.
As a bonus you can try to beat the AI player, which is the first AI in OC which is actually not that easy to beat!
Let me know if you manage to beat the AI in either of the modes and I will improve it!
* Record Jump: Players have a fixed amount of attempts and the one who jumps the farthest wins. You can buy items at your flagpole and have a fixed amount of wealth available per jump.
* Random Jumps: Players have a fixed amount of jumps with random items, the total distance jumped determines the winner.
As a bonus you can try to beat the AI player, which is the first AI in OC which is actually not that easy to beat!
Let me know if you manage to beat the AI in either of the modes and I will improve it!
Attachment: JumpOffV0.3.ocs (12k)
hi i played the scenario with 5 jumps in random mode.
after doing the 5 jumps the ai was doing absolutely nothing, so i aborted. i was using oc 7.0 win
i really like the idea of that scenario
after doing the 5 jumps the ai was doing absolutely nothing, so i aborted. i was using oc 7.0 win
i really like the idea of that scenario
Thanks, it only works with the latest snapshot over here:

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