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Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / awsome parcours
- - By MimmoO Date 2010-01-20 23:08
for making awesome races parcours, i though of a list of items/objects that could be useful to have.

- Switches
^- one with keyholes to activate (plus key)
- Sensors on the ground that reacts on weight (like those from CR...)
- Doors (like stone hangars from CR)
- ladders
^- ladders made of rope, wich can be activated to roll down  Like This
- bridges that can break if one walks on them (mehahah)
- spikes on the ground and walls for the gore if needed

if you can think of more, just post. i could do the graphics for the most, just need help with scripting them.

all sensors and objects should be connectable with each other.
Parent - - By kevda [de] Date 2010-01-20 23:19
of course with checkpoints, i hate to restart from the beginning
Parent - - By MimmoO Date 2010-01-20 23:22
afaik checkpoints is already on the list for goals in common, it will be added to the "race" goal soon i hope
Parent - By Maikel Date 2010-01-21 10:05
Locally it's already "done", I hope to finish it this weekend, along with a basic race which shows all checkpoint features.
Parent - By Newton [de] Date 2010-01-20 23:37
Decoration like background skies, bushes, grass, trees and other plants, creepy stuff for caves, background noises etc are underrated.
Parent - By Enrique [de] Date 2010-01-21 14:07
I think the idea with Lorrys/Waggons moving on Rails could make different, and also Mariolike Parcours possible. For example you press a switch, than the Lorry starts moving on the rails. You enter it and then you get a funny ride :D
Parent - By MrBeast [de] Date 2010-01-22 18:28
Something like that was part of the main idea of ShadowBlood.
Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / awsome parcours

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