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Up Topic Development / Scenario & Object Development / Scorched Gardens & FrozenFortress
- - By Sven2 [us] Date 2017-02-23 17:22
DasWipf made some interesting changes to Frozen Fortress and Scorched Gardens that we may want to take over to the original pack. But the pull request was broken and closed. Where are the scenarios now and shall we still put them into the release?
Parent - - By -GEN- Wipf [de] Date 2017-02-23 21:11
The scenarios are here: (dont know where else i should upload them)

FrozenFortress: The Frostbolt spell onehits... And i think after 1-2 games everyone hate that. So my idea is: Frostbolt makes low damage, but freeeze the Clonk or made him slower... But i dont know how to do so this is a job for superman! or a better scripter than me.
Parent - By K-Pone [de] Date 2017-02-23 21:26
Adjusting the damage of frostbolt should be fairly easy I guess. And for the slowing effect, I'd create an effect that sets the movement speed of a hit Clonk down on Start and reset it on Stop. I think you could easily take the example from the reference and modify this to a slowing effect instead of an invisibility effect.
Parent - By Maikel Date 2017-02-23 23:33
There is a round by Pyrit also somewhere on this forum which has a nice icecube effect.
Up Topic Development / Scenario & Object Development / Scorched Gardens & FrozenFortress

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