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Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / Construction (locked)
- - By TheBuilder [us] Date 2010-02-25 13:47
Was wonderin if it would be possible to make an "instant construction" rule. Basicaly whenever you go to make something, structure/weapon/vehical/etc, it gets built either instantly or within 1 second.  Youd still need the materials to make it though.
Parent - - By AlteredARMOR [ua] Date 2010-02-25 14:10
Any options you like. But not now, sorry. Currently we have more important issues (aside from settlement mode) to deal with.
Parent - - By TheBuilder [us] Date 2010-02-25 15:43
Cool, it just came to me since we already had the energy and materials rules, this one just seemed to fit.
Parent - - By AlteredARMOR [ua] Date 2010-02-25 15:58 Edited 2010-02-25 16:04

> since we already had the energy and materials rules

Do we? As far as I'm concerned there is no materials rule in OC yet. And the energy rule is still in betaalpha-state.

You see, we have a deadline coming in a month upon which we should create a logically completed, playable game build (call it "demo" if you want). See here. So at the moment developers are not concerned greatly about various rules/goals/environment options (just few of them to give a needed diversity to the gameplay). After that, when priorities are shifted from "total parcour/melee" towards the direction of settlement implementation, there will certainly be a great discussion about which rules we should/should'n have.
Unfortunately, right now I can not tell anything about how settlement scenarios would look because it is still a topic for further discussions. So we will probably have to wait a bit.
Parent - By TheBuilder [us] Date 2010-02-25 16:06
What i meant by "we already have the. . . . ", is that those two rules are obviously going to be part of the game, (not sure though), this one just seemed like it was like the thing they were missing.

Sorry if i sound odd here, this idea just seemed to "fit", i cant really explain it.
Parent - By Ringwaul [ca] Date 2010-02-25 20:18
Sounds like a super-lame cheat.
Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / Construction (locked)

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