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- - By NightAlex [de] Date 2010-02-27 22:31

i new in this forum and my English is boring. ;S

My Idea is Air:

- the animals(Clonk) must breathe air or he did
- air is not matrial
- from border come new air
- It is a vacuum so it attracts water (sorry has this from google :C)

hear a pic:

Yes my english is boring ;C
Parent - - By Asmageddon [pl] Date 2010-02-28 00:17
I get your point, but I really strongly doubt if this could be done without frying CPU's...
Parent - - By Caesar [de] Date 2010-02-28 00:32
Dunno for larger landscapes, but powder can do it.
Parent - By Asmageddon [pl] Date 2010-02-28 12:00
I know. But there it is simulated less accuartely than pixel stuff, and OC is not optimized for particle-based landscape physics, so this could not be done. At least not easily.
Making temperature map - yes, it does not require that much CPU, unless it is very accuarte(sensible value would be that single pixel of heatmap would be 8x8 terrain pixels)
Making wind & pressure maps - harder, it would as well require nearly complete rewrite of landscape engine, as it would have to be optimized for particle physics, easy dis/integration of pixels, then calculation of wind & pressure map, applying force to particles, modifying wind & pressure maps... uffff... consider area of powder. Would OC still be very playable on such small maps? Larger would consume a lot of CPU. Good idea would be to witch to GPU, but there already was discussion about this, and it would be probably very hard to make it multiplayer, and at all.
Also the current action/state system of entities would not work quite well with this, imagine you are swimming, and somebody dug some dirt out - temporarily there are single pixel gaps in body of water, and clonk goes crazy with switching states, which would result in something like walking instead of swimming, etc.
I think, that it could be nice, but would require a lot of work.
Parent - By PeterW [at] Date 2010-03-02 00:42
If we had proper liquid support, this would be pretty easy to do (big "if"). But on the other hand, having Clonks consume air isn't very realistic either, as actual humans also breathe out continously. I mean, what would this do if the Clonk's actually above the current water body's height? Proper physics would have the Clonk suck the water up - like through a straw.

I mean, maybe we could do "fresh air" and "used air". But this does not seem like a fun gameplay element to me.

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