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Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / [Suggestion] skype chats or similar
- - By MastroLindo Date 2010-04-01 18:11
I have a quick suggestion for the discussion meetings that happen on IRC from time to time...
in my opinion IRC is a wonderful tool for chatting with a lot of people in the same room, but has some huge disadvantages for important discussions, the biggest of which is that if somebody is not present during the meeting on the channel, he cannot read the discussion when he reconnects.

There are a lot of tools more powerful for this kind of things, with the most popoular being... skype!

We use skype even at my workplace for handling important discussions between a large number of people.

Skype is even more popular than irc nowadays, and I am sure that most of you already use it.

We just need to create a chatroom, invite every dev inside, and afterwards until you don't close the chat, you will always receive every message posted there. If you can't follow a meeting, all you need to do is to turn on your pc, connect to skype, and the history is there. No log files or other workarounds.

Even outside the discussion hours, a guy can leave a question and somebody can answer even a couple of days after, since the question won't disappear.
Moreover it has a powerful quoting system integrated in the normal ctrl-c ctrl-v operation.

It takes up to 10 seconds to configure, it is already used, it is free and it simply works.... I don't see cons apart from obliging the few that still don't use it to install it (but sooner or later, you will have to, :0 )

I can live with irc, but I think that it is a little improvement. Moreover Irc can still be there for general chatting, discussions with non-dev ppl, and so on.

What do you think about it?

(ps: there are other tools for this purpose.. I just picked up skype because it's really easy to configure and it's already popular)
Parent - By Clonk-Karl [de] Date 2010-04-01 19:00
I prefer IRC over any proprietary solution. I could probably be persuaded to use XMPP but I think IRC works well enough and everybody is familiar with it already.
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2010-04-01 20:04
I think what you want (being able to have discussion when not everybody is online) is exactly this forum ;)
Parent - By MastroLindo Date 2010-04-01 20:21
the forum is not proper for
a)real time conversation
b)long discussions
c)discussions that should be done only by who actually is working on the project, and not simply visitors passing by

Those are the reasons why irc meetings are already being used. And my idea was just a way to improve them
Parent - - By Caesar [de] Date 2010-04-01 23:15
I can give you a bouncer, or I could script a meeting-bot, that allows some people to turn on and of public logging.
Parent - By MastroLindo Date 2010-04-02 10:30
scripting a irc bot surely takes more time than opening skype, but if you wanna do it I would surely use it :)
Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / [Suggestion] skype chats or similar

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