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Up Topic General / General / DirectX-Support unnecessary
- - By Carli [de] Date 2010-07-16 20:57
No, this is not a new flamewar, I'm offering a solution: TitaniumGL.

It proxys OpenGL commands for windows clients to the DirectX driver, so it supports DX-only graphic cards and PCs without a driver.

I think, we should use it for OC.
Parent - - By Newton [de] Date 2010-07-16 21:37

Without having followed the link yet: So it's some kind of OpenGL wrapper around DirectX? Or how does it work? Would we then have to use TitaniumGL instead of OpenGL+DirectX (because that wrapper redirects the commands either to OpenGL or DirectX) or just instead of DirectX?
Parent - By Carli [de] Date 2010-07-17 07:19
you just copy an opengl32.dll into the folder and it works.
Parent - - By Isilkor Date 2010-07-16 22:07
Not possible for licensing reasons. Developing apps with TitaniumGL support requires purchase of a license for each developer.
Parent - By Carli [de] Date 2010-07-17 07:20
or we recommend to use the free gamer version and the gamers with problems get an automatic installer that downloads the current free dll.
Parent - By Carli [de] Date 2010-07-17 07:27

>Developing apps with TitaniumGL support requires purchase of a license for each developer.

where did you read that? it's not part of the official developers license (costs 11€)
Parent - - By Carli [de] Date 2010-07-17 11:15
I asked the developer of TitaniumGL:

One license per team is enough.

Be carefull: you place titaniumgl's copy protection code to your project's source code, wich is secret, so you should delete it from your released source codes (dont worry, its about 9 lines).

Shaders: titaniumgl does not (yet) support shaders. Other peoples are also suggested glsl to cg translation, but i am not yet investigated this.

Thank you for your mail
Parent - - By Newton [de] Date 2010-07-17 12:55 Edited 2010-07-17 12:59
Hmm, doesn't sound as if we could use this for OC because f.e. not anybody can compile it than. We'd have to have some secret piece of code to insert before the compilation.

Even though the license cost is peanuts (11€).
Parent - By Caesar [de] Date 2010-07-17 15:24
Couldn't we build a private lib from it and use that then?
Parent - - By Carli [de] Date 2010-07-18 08:53
why do you need to compile it?
i mean, you don't compile the ttf.dll, you dont compile the directX runtime libs, you dont compile each other external library.
you just have a dll and a readme.txt that you copy into the destination folder planet/
Parent - - By Isilkor Date 2010-07-19 01:24

> you place titaniumgl's copy protection code to your project's source code, wich is secret

Unless you suggest having the "copy protection code" inside that external DLL, which in turn calls code from Titanium.
Parent - By Geri Date 2010-08-06 20:51
hi dudes!
if you buy, i will made a dll for you witout the copy protection.
(Probably i will remove the copy protection later anyways)

Parent - By Günther [de] Date 2010-07-17 17:28
If we really wanted to go that way, angleproject sounds a lot more promising.

But the amount of work required to revive the D3D port of Clonk is likely comparable to the work required to make any of the wrappers work correctly with Clonk.
Up Topic General / General / DirectX-Support unnecessary

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