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Up Topic Development / Developer's Corner / Bugtracker urgent-ness
- By Newton [de] Date 2010-08-23 13:13
Currently new issues are added almost on a daily basis in the bugtracker, probably because everybody is noting down bugs or issues that have been known before but wants them in the bugtracker or even solved before the release. To keep an overview, please don't mark every bug as urgent that is not really urgent. Since there is the meta release-blocking bug, bugs that should be solved before the release don't need to be marked as urgent anymore. Also, don't mix up urgent-ness with serious-ness. Bugs with a higher priority should be fixed first, but if there are too many of them, this looses its meaning. Rough guidelines about the urgent-ness of a bug:

  • urgent: bug is blocking a feature that are needed by other developers to work; the whole project is waiting for that bug to be solved,...

  • high: bug is blocking a feature that will soon be needed by other developers to work; bug is a major issue for which a solution needs to be found quickly; bug blocks a feature that must be part of an upcoming release

  • normal everything in between

  • low: small issue that is of no importance because it is at most a nuisance; it's not getting into other developers way

  • none: nice to have... somewhen in the future. Just wanted note that issue down...

I changed the bugs in the bugtracker in that manner. Now, only the really urgent bugs are urgent.
Up Topic Development / Developer's Corner / Bugtracker urgent-ness

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