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Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / A bit of feedback
- - By Asmageddon [pl] Date 2010-11-29 10:27
It's been long since I created a thread, so here are some of my thoughts:

1) I bet it was already mentioned(perhaps even it was me who did it?), but it's annoying when clonk stops after falling - it's ok for big heights, but very unnatural for most of situations...

2) Use VBO's, LOD, or something - performance seems to be going down and down since introduction of 3D models, and I had to go down to 800x600 from 1440x900 (on GF6200 and Linux) :/

3) To add a bit of dynamism, I'd suggest to add dodging - Quickly double press A/D to dodge into that direction, to avoid overuse, perhaps add a stamina meter...?

4) It seems like WSAD/Arrows + enter/backspace no longer work in menus, which is pretty annoying for me.

And that's it, for now, I'll perhaps add some more suggestions after I test latest copy from hg.
Parent - - By Maikel Date 2010-11-29 10:43
1) Yes the kneeling can be made impact dependent, i.e. kneel deep if you land from a great height, to kneel less deep if you land from some height, and don't kneel at all in normal jumps.

4) Yes that sucks, perhaps create a bugtracker entry for this, but it's not crucial for this release.
Parent - - By Asmageddon [pl] Date 2010-11-29 10:49 Edited 2010-11-29 15:30
Seems like key navigation works in menus, but only after you play any scenario.
Parent - By AlteredARMOR [ua] Date 2010-11-29 10:59
If so, than there IS an issue that should be reported
Parent - - By Newton [de] Date 2010-11-29 11:01
before? That it happens after playing a scenario is a known bug.
Parent - By Asmageddon [pl] Date 2010-11-29 15:30
Ah, sorry, my mistake :p
It breaks after :>
Parent - - By Newton [de] Date 2010-11-29 11:13

>2) 2) Use VBO's, LOD, or something - performance seems to be going down and down since introduction of 3D models, and I had to go down to 800x600 from 1440x900 (on GF6200 and Linux) :/

I wonder if the issue are really the model rendering. Could you test if the slowing down really has something a lot to do with the models?

LOD would be fine and is especially fitting for a game where you can zoom out this far. But would either require that we somehow generate and export the different LOD-levels in blender. Applying them in the rendering engine should be the lesser problem. Care to implement that/research if it is possible to automatically create them?

I don't know anything about VBOs. Looks like it would only be faster if the mesh that has been loaded into the vertex buffer is rendered over and over. So if it has an animation this wouldn't result in a speed gain. And which other high-poly objects do we have other than the clonk?
Parent - By Asmageddon [pl] Date 2010-11-29 15:39
Well, purpose of VBO's is that vertices of a model are uploaded to gpu in certain order, so it takes advantage of GPU cache. I'm not that sure how it works, but it can result in really large performance gains.
I think it would also be a benefit for animated objects, since the order is calculated once for a model, and object doesn't change during a single frame....
Also, some time ago, there was an article on Wolfire blog about animations, and it turned out that they were able to speed it up several times by simply using SIMD instructions...

As for LOD's... I don't know if automatic creation is easy(the fact that it's possible is obvious), but I don't think so.
On the other hand there are games/engines that even support procedural destruction, and reducing detail sounds pretty easy in comparison to that.
As for now, rendering 2D sprites of objects that aren't much animated should be simple, and fairly easy to do.

I doubt if I could really program anything like that, since I know little of C/C++, and I'm very bad at deciphering source code :/
Parent - By Clonk-Karl [de] Date 2010-11-29 21:56 Edited 2010-11-29 22:00

>  But would either require that we somehow generate and export the different LOD-levels in blender.

It seems like OgreXMLConverter can do that:

> Looks like it would only be faster if the mesh that has been loaded into the vertex buffer is rendered over and over. So if it has an animation this wouldn't result in a speed gain.

I think it is possible to do the animation on the GPU, so that the vertices only need to be uploaded once at startup. That would still require uploading bone transformations each frame but that's notably less data than all the vertices.
Parent - By MimmoO Date 2010-11-29 13:59
i like 3
Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / A bit of feedback

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