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Up Topic General / Help and Questions / C4DT doesn't install properly
- - By asiaclonk [de] Date 2010-12-18 10:13
First of all congratulations for reaching the first official release, has been many years since CR.

Anyway when I saw all the features, I thought I could try C4Script once more, but it seems something went wrong during the installation of C4DT in eclipse, because it still sees all clonk related files as .txt.
Any way to fix this?
Parent - - By Mortimer [de] Date 2010-12-20 19:22
Did you install c4dt like described in ?
Btw, that guide works only when you have the OC groups unpacked (that is, checked out from the repository and not the regular release).
Parent - - By asiaclonk [de] Date 2010-12-20 23:50
If that's the case, then I will wait until there is proper editing support for official releases.
Though you should clarify that on the guide.
Parent - By Günther [de] Date 2010-12-21 02:10
You can just unpack the data using c4group.
Parent - By Zapper [de] Date 2010-12-21 17:02
You should probably just get TortoiseHG and checkout the game repository with unpacked files and stuff :)
Parent - - By Newton [de] Date 2010-12-21 13:58

>Btw, that guide works only when you have the OC groups unpacked (that is, checked out from the repository and not the regular release).

Since this is or will be the normal case, perhaps you should add a tutorial how to unpack those too.
Parent - By Newton [de] Date 2010-12-21 19:56
Yeah, exactly! Good work!
Parent - - By MrBeast [de] Date 2010-12-21 17:08
Btw. what are the reasons for the packs beeing packed in the release?
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2010-12-21 18:47
Filesize, probably
Parent - - By MrBeast [de] Date 2010-12-21 19:21
The download size isn't less because it's zipped anyway. And disk space is cheap…
Parent - Date 2010-12-21 19:59
Parent - By Newton [de] Date 2010-12-21 19:43
Good question. Would Update packages also work with unpacked c4*s?
Up Topic General / Help and Questions / C4DT doesn't install properly

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