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Up Topic General / Help and Questions / Getting stuff from the box, and lay items.
- - By Ann [de] Date 2011-01-21 16:10
Hey, is it anyhow possible to grab stuff from a chest directly into the bag?
If not it maybe should be possible by holding some key pressed (shift or something) when klicking the object in the box. (so if the contents of the bag < 5 then the item should go directly into the bag instead of the hand).
Also when you hold Shift pressed the clonk is throwing the item, maybe it should be possible to hold a key like alt or ctrl for letting the clonk laying the item down. (like stop stop drop in the shareware clonks).
Parent - - By MimmoO Date 2011-01-21 17:02
The current backpack/chest contents system is just a temporary solution and will be replaced with a better system in the future. it is not certain how that system will look like, but there were some ideas posted some time ago.
Parent - By Ann [de] Date 2011-01-22 17:46
ah okay,cool =)
Up Topic General / Help and Questions / Getting stuff from the box, and lay items.

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