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Up Topic Development / Developer's Corner / Windows installer
- - By Günther [de] Date 2011-09-23 16:33 Edited 2011-09-23 16:36
I revised our windows installer for the upcoming release. The most important change are:
- The installer wizard only shows two pages: One for the directory to install to, and one during the unpacking of the files
- Users without admin rights can run the installer and the default target directory is chosen appropriately
- The target directory defaults to the directory of a previous installation
- The rules to create the installer are now in CMakeLists.txt, so anyone who can compile OpenClonk for Windows can install NSIS and build the installer

Now I only need to find somewhere to upload a snapshot for testing.
Parent - - By Newton [de] Date 2011-09-23 18:39

> - Users without admin rights can run the installer and the default target directory is chosen appropriately

On Windows Vista/7, the user is asked for the administrator rights if the action he wants to take happens to require admin privileges. Is this case covered as well?
Parent - - By Günther [de] Date 2011-09-23 19:46 Edited 2011-09-23 19:48
Well, I simply used the "MultiUser" script for NSIS, with "ExecutionLevel" "Highest". I would assume that vista and newer only ask for admin rights with that UAC thingy if the user is flagged as having them. If it always asks for a password for an admin account, that would be no worse than the previous situation, and the installer would at least do the right thing with a windows xp guest account. We probably could set the "ExecutionLevel" to "Standard" and make the user manually execute the installer with admin rights in order to install for all users. But I've been led to believe that vista and 7 users expect installers to ask for admin rights, and we wouldn't want to violate the users expectations, would we? ;-)
Parent - By Newton [de] Date 2011-09-23 20:37
Yes, that is exactly what I meant: It should always ask for the admin privilegues.
Parent - By Caesar [de] Date 2011-09-23 22:08
There are some installers which ask for privileges when the installation starts, I don't know for sure whether they check if they need them rights for the designated directory, but I think so.
Parent - - By B_E [de] Date 2011-10-01 17:56

>- Users without admin rights can run the installer and the default target directory is chosen appropriately

What happens if you install Win 64-Bit over 32-Bit or vice versa? Does it default to the corresponding program files instead of the previous install?
Parent - By Günther [de] Date 2011-10-01 21:36
I think that depends on details of the interaction of the windows registry with the installer that I don't really want to know.
Parent - By Günther [de] Date 2011-11-11 21:40
I apparently like to write stuff in obscure and arguably bad languages. XSLT, autotools, cmake, nsis, COM, ...

This time around, I made the installer put stuff into the "Game Explorer" thingy Vista introduced, made it use separate uninstall entries for separate installation locations, and register the game with the firewall. The last patch requires compilation of an nsis plugin DLL, which currently lacks CMake support, and the Game Explorer integration writes stuff into the source directory, because I didn't feel like figuring out how to tell MSVC where to find the file.
Up Topic Development / Developer's Corner / Windows installer

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