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Up Topic Development / Developer's Corner / Hamburg CM
- - By Newton [de] Date 2011-11-17 21:52
Since Clonk-Karl and Maikel both moved to Hamburg to work on their PhD at DESY, lets meet up for a little CM this or next weekend. What do you think, when do you have time?
I was thinking of only the three of us, but perhaps some people who are ~near want to join? (Sven, Mimmo, Isilkor,...?)

My personal "productivity" goal for this meeting is just to get a solution working for non-modal (c4script) menus, otherwise I am also all for just hanging out and do some stuff together in here HH.


By the way, I think it is also possible now to do a "proper" CM with up to 12 people in Hamburg.
Parent - By Maikel Date 2011-11-18 10:05
Yeah, I'd like that also, either hanging out or doing something for OC.

Both weekends are fine with me.
Parent - By Clonk-Karl [de] Date 2011-11-19 00:50
This weekend could work halfway, but I don't have time Saturday evening. Maybe we could meet on Sunday? Next weekend I will be in Geneva.
Parent - By Sven2 [de] Date 2011-11-19 02:42
was out today, but could come roun on Saturday. That is, today :-)
Up Topic Development / Developer's Corner / Hamburg CM

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