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Up Topic QuickShift: an alternative

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In Response to Octagon
Throw-launching an item with the club is another thing that has become more annoying.

Generally, I feel encumbered by the strict separation between [Throw] and [Use]. When I try to use a projectile in succession with a usable weapon, I often find myself throwing my sword away and trying to use the flint.
For good old flints and rocks and other items without a tool use, throwing them with [Use] would feel very natural.
But I'm not sure whether to apply the system to all items without a use option (including wood etc), or limit it to the more typical weapons. The latter could cause confusion about what's considered a weapon...
Either way, I do see a potential problem with that approach: there'd always be an inconsistency between different throwing weapons, because some of them have another [Use] (igniting iron bombs etc), so "Use a throwing weapon to launch it" still wouldn't be a universal pattern.
That said, it feels weird that javelins distinguish between "attack throw" (use) and "throw throw".

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