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Up Topic QuickShift: an alternative

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In Response to Zapper

>What about having to press e.g. Strg+mouse button to throw things away?

What would be the advantage and it which situations would that advantage show?

We have two kinds of items right now, usable and non-usable items. And we have two main actions that you do to handle those: either use them or throw them away. Those are the most important things you can do with items. And as such, they should be the easiest to access (e.g. reduce the amount of keys necessary to execute those actions).

If we would allow a secondary use, we would either completely throw away a button for 99% of the use-cases or we would force developers to invent a secondary use for every item - even if it might be detrimental for the gameplay.
Here is a comment from me on that issue from 2012.

>Then the chance of throwing the wrong stuff away would be reduced

It's two completely different buttons right now. I don't think we can reduce it more.

So if we want to argue in that direction, I think we (you) should first clear out why we need to "free" the right mouse button and why we need secondary functions for most of the items.

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