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Up Topic QuickShift: an alternative

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In Response to Luchs
There are basically three main differences between CR and OC inventory handling right now:

1. CR doesn't have empty slots.
2. CR stacks multiple items of the same type.
3. OC allows you to switch through your inventory backwards. (If you don't need that, you can bind "forward inventory switch" to a keyboard button and have exactly the same behavior as CR.)

I feel like OC would benefit from #1. One of the core mechanics of the older Clonk titles is to throw rocks and other items at each other. This is still very relevant in OC, but it's a lot harder to do. In older Clonk titles, you could just spam the "Throw"-button: The Clonk would automatically empty his inventory and even automatically pick up additional items from the surroundings to throw. In OC, this doesn't work. After throwing a single item, you're left with an empty inventory slot. Quickly picking up items is very easy now by rapidly pressing Shift, this will however distribute the items over the other inventory slots. So OC requires you to juggle three things: Throw with Right Click, Pick Up with Shift, checking inventory slots by taking the eyes off the battle and switching to the right item to throw with the scroll wheel.

#2 makes inventory space less obvious ("Why can't I pick up another item now? Oh, I have three rocks."), and counting five items at a glance usually isn't an issue.

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