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Up Topic QuickShift: an alternative

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In Response to pluto
I also do not see the real difference between aiming with the mouse + press Q and aiming with the mouse + klick right? Knüppeln was just an example where this kind of control set up is already using keys instead of mouse buttons. And aiming there is also very important, maybe even harder than in classic OC (distances longer, more and quicker movements).

Furthermore I wonder how much you really need to throw items arround. In current melees, very few time you throw stones. More frequent is the bomb, but here the relevance timing is much higher than aiming (which is not limited when throw is on Q, anyway). In settlement rounds i would even claim that dynamite and dynamite boxes are more often used for mining than throwing flints very accurate. I admit I quite have some doubts about the claimed extreme importance of throwing in OC at all costs, and I also do not understand why throwing on Q (or any other easy accessible key) would reduce the ability of aiming/throwing quickly.
But as I said in a reply somewhere here already: when I can swap my right mouse button with Q, and the additional features of Maikels idea are going to happen, I get most things I wanted.

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