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Up Topic Maybe Steam is actually an answer?

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In Response to Clonkonaut
Many of the advantages that you list are not things that OC can take advantage of. Yes, Steam offers great support for games but, as it has been said numerous times, it doesn't come for free. And with that I don't mean just money but also development time.
The money is the least of the problems (still, it costs $100 to register a Steam Workshops Account and you need to get approval from Valve).

Just listing a bunch of Steam features (Steam Cloud, Steam Workshop, Multiplayer) isn't going to do us any good. You don't just put your game on Steam and magically all of these things work. You actually have to put time and effort into modifying your game to make use of these. This is easier if your game was designed with these features in mind from the beginning. This is not the case with OC. So someone needs to sit down and work on this, probably for several months. Before that, all that you get from Steam is a mirror download. You will not get any additional features, just the bare option to download the game. For some reason, I don't believe that is everything your friends need to spark their interest in the game. Does any of your friends play Minecraft? Minecraft is not on Steam, you need to download it from the webpage. If the answer is yes, than this cannot be the problem.

Currently, we are hard-pressed to get any development done on the game. Things as big as integrating anything from the Steam API I just don't see happening in the near future. All you get, is a Steam page where people can download the mirrored game files. We will probably not get any more visibility as Steam is a platform catered to commercial games.

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