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Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / Evil Castle
- - By Andriel Date 2013-02-24 22:00
I played a nice round of Evil Castle with three other guys yesterday. Here are some things I noticed:

1. A "press any key to respawn" screen would be smashing, because sometimes, e.g. during a fight, you want to see how the others are doing instead of instant-respawning.
2. The messages everyone gets (like "Argh, they steal our gold, kill them!") are to easy to overlook. I saw a team mate running straight through the mushroom cave and dying because he didn't notice the warning.
3. When we approached the airship on the rooftop, an enemy shot two arrows at it and the ship somehow started to burn.
4. The portrait for messages like "These mushrooms look toxic!" doesn't care about the yelling clonks skin. But this is really trivial so better just ignore this point.
5. I don't know why there are an accumulator and an engine standing around in the castle.
6. The boss got stuck trying to leave his hall. He should stay where he can move properly.

The new AI is really cool, for example when I aimed down at an enemy and he pointed his shield up and walked left and right so I couldn't hit him. There are weak moments though:

1. If you stand directly in front of an archer, he just shoots around randomly. He should try to step back a bit so that he can hit again.
2. A few javeliers ran out of spears and they just stood around forever doing nothing, although there was a chest with flints beneath and lots of javelines on the ground. The AI should look for weapons in these situations.
3. Some enemies would just jump off the cliff into the boiling lava, when trying to dodge arrows. This can stay as is, as it is a smart and reasonable behaviour.

Some unrelated stuff:

1. The catapult doesn't burn.
2. One guy died five times trying to dodge the enemies and open a gate because he apparently didn't know how to use the spinwheel. So my suggestion: Remove that "Grab and up/down" stuff and let the clonk automatically grab, switch state (open/closed) and ungrab
    when pressing "Space".
3. Similar with refilling the cannons powder. Right now you have to press "Space" + "2" in front of a cannon when carrying a powder keg. Better would be to give refilling a higher priority, so that refilling is just "Space" and putting down the keg "Space" + "2" when in front
    of a cannon.
4. I love the new "earth-crumbles-when-digging" feature. Feels much more natural and eliminates those nasty single material pixels.
Parent - - By Sven2 [de] Date 2013-03-18 14:02
Thanks for your feedback. There's lots of small things to iron our especially with the AI.

> 1. A "press any key to respawn" screen would be smashing, because sometimes, e.g. during a fight, you want to see how the others are doing instead of instant-respawning.

Yes, agreed.

> 2. The messages everyone gets (like "Argh, they steal our gold, kill them!") are to easy to overlook. I saw a team mate running straight through the mushroom cave and dying because he didn't notice the warning.

Suggestions? Isn't there a "Ding" sound already played along with the message?

> 4. The portrait for messages like "These mushrooms look toxic!" doesn't care about the yelling clonks skin. But this is really trivial so better just ignore this point.

There is no function to get the current Clonk skin, unfortunately. The skin can only be set, not read :(

> 5. I don't know why there are an accumulator and an engine standing around in the castle.

Well, we don't have many decoration objects yet. I was planning to pimp the castle with some better decoration if we ever get more deco objects into the original pack.

> 6. The boss got stuck trying to leave his hall. He should stay where he can move properly.

Yes, the boss needs some extra AI. He's supposed to cast spells later on :)

> 1. If you stand directly in front of an archer, he just shoots around randomly. He should try to step back a bit so that he can hit again.

OK, noted

> 2. A few javeliers ran out of spears and they just stood around forever doing nothing, although there was a chest with flints beneath and lots of javelines on the ground. The AI should look for weapons in these situations.

That's usually recipe for disaster, as AI Clonks trying to collect stuff tend to run into inescapable pits pretty quickly. But I guess it's better than just standing around.

> 3. Some enemies would just jump off the cliff into the boiling lava, when trying to dodge arrows. This can stay as is, as it is a smart and reasonable behaviour.

Parent - - By Pyrit Date 2013-03-18 15:11

>Well, we don't have many decoration objects yet. I was planning to pimp the castle with some better decoration if we ever get more deco objects into the original pack.

A chandelier would be awesome. I mean one where you can grab the rope and swing arount like with the grappling hook.
Parent - By Sven2 [de] Date 2013-03-18 16:09
Which reminds me: Any news from the rope branch?
Parent - By Clonkonaut [de] Date 2013-03-18 16:46

> There is no function to get the current Clonk skin, unfortunately. The skin can only be set, not read :(

I'm confident you're able to figure out how to make such a function.
Parent - - By Andriel Date 2013-03-22 14:04

>Suggestions? Isn't there a "Ding" sound already played along with the message?

Uhm, I can't remember if I heard one but I don't think so.
The really important messages should pop up in the middle of your screen, like the one trying to prevent you from dying in the mushroom cave, the trivial ones can remain non-annoying. ;)
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2013-03-22 14:18
Or maybe just draw a big skull on the background of the cave? :)
Parent - - By ker [de] Date 2013-03-22 16:11
a signpost at the entrance.
or simply a pole with a skull on top
Parent - - By Sven2 [de] Date 2013-03-22 16:30
Hm, I don't have that. What about a snowman? Dragonclonk just sent me a snowman!
Parent - By Pyrit Date 2013-03-22 17:00
Andriels sign with a skull on it. And next to it a dead clonk with green skin and with a hammer in his hand.
Parent - - By Sven2 [de] Date 2013-03-22 16:31
Alternatively, maybe the mushrooms should just look different from the regular mushrooms.

Thinking of it, since the scenario has free respawn anyway, why not just let the curious player die? I think it's a nice surprise moment and it's not like it were a big deal in that scenario.
Parent - By Andriel Date 2013-03-22 16:52
I like that. But you should be able to survive if you react quickly and have full health.
Parent - By Zapper [de] Date 2013-03-22 17:47

>Alternatively, maybe the mushrooms should just look different from the regular mushrooms.

I have that planned btw. No ETA yet, though.
(I already have blue mushrooms, too!)
Parent - By Pyrit Date 2013-03-22 16:54

>Suggestions? Isn't there a "Ding" sound already played along with the message?

Yeah the messages. It's weird when a random player triggers a message and sudddenly a window pops up in your screen and you don't know why it happend.
It should focus everyone to the player who gets the message. Like a little cutscene. It could just freeze all clonks when you are mid fight.
Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / Evil Castle

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