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Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / More vertices for the clonk
- - By Pyrit Date 2013-05-15 19:12
I noticed that you still can get stuck on bits of the landscape. And too often you impale yourself on the elevator floor or the wallkits.
Couldn't the clonk have a very dense line of vertices from his head down to his feet, so that it doesn't get stuck anymore? With very dense I mean no free pixel between the vertices. Would that solve the problem?
Parent - - By ker [de] Date 2013-05-16 12:01
what about directional vertices?
one on the feet that points down, one on the head that points up, and one to the left and one to the right.
directional vertices only collides with directions it's pointing at.

if we're thinking about directional solidmasks, directional vertices aren't that far off, are they?
Parent - By PeterW [gb] Date 2013-05-16 13:18 Edited 2013-05-16 13:22
We already have directions on the vertexes - but right now they just govern the "glue" behaviour as far as I know. Having them not collide into other directions could be a step into the right direction, as I noted in the past. Certainly sounds better than adding additional vertexes.

Should be a straightforward thing to do - you'd probably just have to pass a mask of which vertices to consider C4Shape::CheckContact. The tricky thing is to make sure that it doesn't actually break movement in some way. I have the suspicion that a "left" vertex will still have to act as a collider for "down" and "up" or we might see strange side-effects. Bonus points if it works for rotated objects and solves the lorry problem.
Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / More vertices for the clonk

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