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Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / My experience with the actual gameplay (5.3.3)
- - By Ann [de] Date 2013-10-06 11:40 Edited 2013-10-06 11:47
I played some games with openclonk now, some settlements and a bunch of melees, and i found some stuff where i think that should (at least in my opinion) optimized.


Swimming is actually really horrible and absolutely no fun!
Its really annoying that the clipping of the clonk not fits its graphic, well after a while i know that and can handle the most swim situations, but its just not cool nor funny

Maybe the clonk itself (including its collision vertexes) should get turned, not just the model :O

Also the clonk should not start to climp if he swim near a wall, climbing unter water should be kinda turned off
or, if its about climbing out of water, then climbing should be turned off if the clonk cant breath. so he would still be able to climb out of the water, but unter water its not annoying anymore then.

Selecting items

I like the actual design with 2 items, its handy to have a "primary" and a "secondary" object, in melee i often got a shield and a weapon as example, and in settlement situations its also handy to use 2 tools.
But sometimes, its bad to press the number keys, specially sometimes in melee it can easy happen (at least to me) that i not hit the 6 or 7 right. so maybe it should be possible to configure 2 keys like "next item, prev item" at least for the primary item or something.

Inventory drag & drop

Drag and drop in the inventory is a cool feature, also drag and drop items from me to the lorry etc is cool.
but often i want to drop stuff out of me or out of a touched lorry and stuff, so it might be handy when we just can drag it out out of the inventory menu to lay it down.

if this would be possible to drop items, this may be cool!

inventory mass unloading

There should be "load all from container A to container B" buttons in the inventorys,
wich will then transfer all stuff over to the other container (well at least all items that the target can carry until its full)
this may save alot time in some situations, specially on network games, where it sometimes with a lower control rate can be pain to unload like 50 coal and iron from the lorry to the foundry.

it could be look like this (well not green xD but i think you know what i mean, just an example)

so that is my feedback here for now, sure some of it is more a kind of personal taste. :)
Parent - By Zapper [de] Date 2013-10-06 13:00
Thanks for all the feedback!

To the swimming: yes, that is pretty annoying :D

To the inventory things: I will keep that in mind when re-doing the inventory interface (which is on my todo). No reason to not include mass unloading!
Having two hands for items will most likely be gone, though. From all the feedback I got, it was more annoying than useful (with the one useful case being shield + sword). But from my tests and with the new quick-switch key I could use the shield and sword just as well. And you will be able to use the mouse-wheel to scroll through your inventory (you can also put that on another key, of course).
Parent - - By PhillipK [de] Date 2013-10-06 13:09
Swimming: i absolutly agree with that!
I guess it would be easy to adjust the Verticle positions for the clonk on different animation-steps. But its not possible( at the moment, as far as i know) to rotate the bunch of verticles with the model. But the clonk is rotating and we can use some kind of Switch(rotation) or some if/elseif cases to set the vertex positions.

Climbing under water: Dont know about that. i can handle it well, so it dont annoys me.

Drop out: Maybe this is not possible, but it may be possible with the SHIFT key - i would like to see it in one of this ways (drag out or shift-click to lay it on the ground instead of the container)

Put all in: This may ruin meele games. 2 People ran to a chest an try to loot stuff. One use the key. This one wins.  So, it could be added by a rule to be enabled in settlement scens and deactivated in meele scens. My 2 cents
Parent - By Ann [de] Date 2013-10-06 13:47
yep, this is true!
containers should get a call on AllowGrabAll(){} wich should return true by default, and false if it is not wanted, so in the melee scenarios we can #appendto it onto the chests

binding it on the melee rule could be bad, since im pretty sure there will come melees with some settlement elements in the future^^
Parent - - By Matthias [de] Date 2013-10-06 14:26

> a rule to be enabled in settlement scens and deactivated in meele scens

As always, I'm strongly against changing expected (control) behavior for certain scenarios or even between different kinds of containers. If we establish the convention that containers can be emptied in one click, we really shouldn't break with it right away. The gain is just to small to do that. If a clonk looting an entire chest at once is a problem, there is something else wrong - don't make the controls harder in special cases just to cover that up.
Possible solutions may include but are not limited to:
- reduce clonk inventory size
- spawn only one object in a chest at a time
- increase chest capacity / spawn a lot more objects in a chest than a clonk can carry
- place more chests
Parent - By Clonkonaut [de] Date 2013-10-06 15:17

And before speculation (might ruin melees), why not try it first.
Parent - By Ann [de] Date 2013-10-07 15:43 Edited 2013-10-07 15:51

>- increase chest capacity / spawn a lot more objects in a chest than a clonk can carry

hehe, just spawn alot of rocks in the melee chests^^ so maybe if someone use grab all he might grab alot of rocks, and not so much usefull weapons.

but also a fresh spawned player would be able to get at least something fast, instead of getting hunted down because he have no items (as it is actually (5.3.3) often)
Parent - - By Maikel Date 2013-10-06 13:59
The swimming has been improved but is still not perfect: the clonk's animation when diving is still displayed 3-4 pixels too low.

And the vertices are updated when in water, but do not yet rotate with the clonk.

Please tell me if you feel it is an improvement.
Parent - By Ann [de] Date 2013-10-06 14:36
yea i swimmed around abit, and it feels better now, its better now when swimming in thight places
Parent - By Pyrit Date 2013-10-06 14:58
Concerning the item inventory stuff we could learn a lot from minecraft. In minecraft you put items all the time from one container to the other. Since two handed controls are gone, you could use the right mousebutton for opening an objects inventory by right-clicking on it. It could also diplay some meta info of the object/building, like damage, stored energy and stored materialpixels. A mass transfer of items where all items get switched into the container could work like in minecraft, too. Shift clicking on an item transfers all items of this type to the other container.
For the screenshot I have to ask: Why are the items in the lorry stacked, but not in the clonk? :o

I think the item menu as it is, is actually good, expect for the improvement suggestions I wrote above. Also the ring shape is not that convenient, especially if there are lots of items and they get very very tiny.

The only huge complain is that sometimes when you are in front of a lot of stuff and press E, there open like 5 ringmenues. And I always accidently put the item into the wrong container. Activating only the container you actually want to use by clicking on it would be a solution for that.
Parent - - By Newton [la] Date 2013-10-07 13:23
Sadly, most of your feedback to the inventory system is irrelevant since Zapper overhauls the inventory handling completely. He has still not finished the overhaul into a state that could be merged into the main repository.

Regarding the swimming: Yeah. You are not the first one to note that. Rotating the vertices could be problematic, perhaps it might be the best solution to disable the rotation effect (because it is just a visual effect) while diving.

I agree with you that climbing while diving doesn't make sense, also since Maikel(?) made changed the vertices while swimming, to start climbing while diving might even lead to that the clonk gets stuck.
Parent - By Maikel Date 2013-10-07 13:31
With the current state of the vertex transition that does not occur, according to my testing. If it occurs please tell me, it can be fixed quite easily.

At the moment is at least a bit better, we only need to move the diving animation a bit up in the y-plane.
Parent - By Link-Mario [de] Date 2013-10-07 15:41
The idea of mass (un-)loading sounds quite good for me. But as Zapper and others say, it might ruin melee scens, except when you add some kind of delay time, that would be as long as the time as you would (un-)load all items manually.
- - By Zapper [de] Date 2013-10-06 15:57
Just for your information: the current work-in-progress state-of-the-art of the inventory is this:

Parent - - By Ann [de] Date 2013-10-06 16:25
oh cool
well its somewhat big actually, but no more mini items
Parent - By Zapper [de] Date 2013-10-06 16:50
Yeah, it's fullscreen now
Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / My experience with the actual gameplay (5.3.3)

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