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Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / Building Upgrade System - Ideas Off The Top Of My Head
- - By Andriel Date 2013-10-30 22:39
You have a nice chemlab in your settlement, but it isn't producing quick enough/you want the next level of explosives/whatever. So you take your hammer, open the hammer menu and select the chemlab. Then you move your cursor (and therefore the building silhouette) to the chemlab you want to upgrade and the upgraded building appears in yellow (that's just the graphics, it's like when you snap two elevators together) and there is a box with text explaining what the upgrade does (e.g. "Production time reduced by 10%, allows production of Teragigaflints"). So you can look at this text as long as you want and can then confirm and, just like normal, start feeding the construction site with materials.
That way, you don't have to bother with special menus for tier 2, tier 3, ... buildings or secondary hammer usage, but instead use an existing mechanic.

I do not demand the implementation of this, I do not even know if something like multiple tiers of buildings is planned/wanted.
Also, I don't strongly support or "fight" for this idea, I'm just posting it here so it doesn't get lost and in case it is needed, feel free to criticise it, you're not personally insulting me. :P
Parent - - By Matthias [de] Date 2013-10-30 23:04
here's some random thoughts:
- if the upgrade is not triggered from the building, there is no way to know which buildings can be upgraded in the first place. Could we display that from within the building menu as well? How?
- what happens while constructing the upgrade - is the old building still usable?
- what would be /real/ gains from upgrades? I'm not fond of juggling percentages to be honest - I'm under the impression that oc is not the right kind of game where shaving off 10% will make or break a strategy. Also:
-- If it just introduces a set of new items, wouldn't it (gameplay-wise) be just another way to build a factory which takes another factory as building material?
Parent - By domtron [us] Date 2013-10-30 23:49
I agree that upgrades should be started inside a building doing so would also allow for different upgrade paths (chem lab >> armory OR chem lab >> chem plant [sorry bad examples]).

However, You would have to decide how to handle buildings that can't open (like the sawmill or walls). You would also need to decide how building materials are added for an upgrade. Most buildings will only allow certain materials to be added so a chem lab wouldn't allow you to place wood inside it for the upgrade. You could make starting the upgrade transform the building into a building site allowing you to add any materials needed or you could temporarily append the materiel type to the buildings allowed materials.

If the building becomes a building site you would have to do something with the buildings current inventory. Drop it on the ground maybe?

I think the best configuration would be to
-start upgrades from inside a building
-transform the building into a building site dropping any current inventory items on the ground
-finish the building as usual.

I'm not sure if upgrades would be good for gameplay or not. I guess it depends on whether you want a fast or a slower, more progressive gameplay.
Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / Building Upgrade System - Ideas Off The Top Of My Head

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