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Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / Energy details only shown on pressing Tab and scoreboard...
- - By Apfelclonk [de] Date 2014-03-17 21:01
Personally I'm a friend ingame graphics that are free of unnecessary UI elements and focus on the illusion of being in the game. So I'd like to talk a bit about hiding and showing ingame details that don't need to be perma existent.

One thing that cought my attention were these lightbulbs beside energy-needing structures. It felt for me that they disturb the atmosphere and aren't that necessary to be present all the time. This lead me to the idea to hide these UI elements and just show them up when their information is questioned. I thought binding this would be key-wise the best on the tab button. Its close to WASD and is normally known for showing hidden content. At the moment pressing the tab-key switches the visibility on of the scoreboard. This difference between showing stuff as long as you press the button ( as the lightbulbs would do in my thoughts) and triggering the visibility wouldn't fit. For me that would be fixed by using the same visibility-behaviour and only show scoreboard as long as you press tab. But then there is the script function with which you can force the scoreboard to be visible to the player. But my experienced taught that this function disturbs. Whenever the scoreboard popped up in CMC I hit the tab button to let it disappear instantly. There should then be more control to hide it when its forced to be visible e.g. disappearing after 3 seconds after being forced from script.

Only showing content details only on pressing tab would also work for these triangles emmitted by the flag and maybe other stuff in the future ( seems to work only for settlement stuff ).

That would also enable the possibility for further ui elements on which you can switch off the energy supply for single strucuteres.
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2014-03-17 21:42
Yeah, the light bulbs have been a discussion topic many times already. I think every time we discussed that further we decided that we should get rid of them and only show the energy level on the flags by including it into the flags' models (for example through some sort of meter).
But like other graphical redesigns nothing every came from that except for some sketches :[
Parent - - By Apfelclonk [de] Date 2014-03-18 14:16
And what do you thing about this awesome triangles floating around the flagpole? In my opinion also stuff that could be hidden for most of the time.
Another thing: How can the player control atm which structures are allowed to receive energy? Some sort of connecting virtual lines in the ui-tab-mode could fix that.
My thread should be about the idea of having such a triggerable mode for settlement information and ui elements. Is there any feedback for that?
Parent - By Zapper [de] Date 2014-03-18 19:11

>Is there any feedback for that?

Yeah. I actually started implementing something like that early in the controls branch (mainly for the energy stuff). But after seeing it in-game, it didn't appear like a good idea anymore. It just felt wrong. It didn't feel like you were shaping a world and interacting with your world with your Clonks but it felt much more like a RTS game where you can interact with your buildings without any units around.
I didn't like that.
Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / Energy details only shown on pressing Tab and scoreboard...

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